Property sales in BS6 postcode district - page 21 Bristol

This is a map and list of properties recently sold in the BS6 postcode district in the UK covering the areas of Redland, Montpelier, Westbury Park, Bristol, based on the records of the Land Registry

Prices and sales

Flat 4, 10 Victoria Walk, Bristol, BS6 5SRFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£187,500
Flat (leasehold)May 2018£152,600
Flat (leasehold)Mar 2010£112,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2008£100,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 2005£104,500
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2004£91,200
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2000£54,000
132 North Road, St Andrews, BS6 5ALSemi-detached (leasehold)Mar 2023£615,000
18 Leopold Road, Bristol, BS6 5BSOther (freehold)Mar 2023£1,150,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Feb 2014£704,000
28 St Matthews Road, Bristol, BS6 5TTSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£985,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Sep 1999£220,500
Flat D1, 114 Cotham Brow, Bristol, BS6 6ARFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£355,216
Flat (leasehold)Dec 2016£325,260
Flat (leasehold)Feb 2004£170,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2000£118,000
Flat 14, Tuscany House, 11 - 13 Durdham Park, Bristol, BS6 6XAFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£350,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2014£220,000
13 Cotham Lawn Road, Bristol, BS6 6DUSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£880,000
Garden Flat, 32 Hampton Park, Bristol, BS6 6LHFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£730,050
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2016£520,000
Flat (leasehold)Mar 2014£250,000
30 Berkeley Road, Westbury Park, BS6 7PJTerraced (freehold)Mar 2023£717,500
Ground Floor Flat, 119 Coldharbour Road, Bristol, BS6 7SDFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£210,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2003£63,000
31 Picton Street, Bristol, BS6 5PZTerraced (freehold)Mar 2023£600,000
Flat B, 38 Bath Buildings, Bristol, BS6 5PUFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£240,000
136 North Road, St Andrews, BS6 5ALSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£685,000
Semi-detached (leasehold)Jul 2005£240,000
33 Belvoir Road, St Andrews, BS6 5DQSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£1,016,500
94 Cairns Road, Bristol, BS6 7TQSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£770,000
11 Ashfield Mews Ashfield Place, Bristol, BS6 5BFFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£200,000
10 Shaftesbury Avenue, Bristol, BS6 5LXTerraced (freehold)Mar 2023£670,000
Terraced (freehold)Sep 2004£202,500
Terraced (freehold)Nov 1998£78,000
19 Lansdown Terrace, Bristol, BS6 7YWSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£625,000
19 Upper Cranbrook Road, Bristol, BS6 7UWSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£815,000
196 Cranbrook Road, Bristol, BS6 7QTSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2023£795,000
35 Picton Street, Bristol, BS6 5PZTerraced (freehold)Mar 2023£670,000
Terraced (freehold)Oct 2015£420,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Sep 1996£74,000
Flat 6, 1 Redland Court Road, Bristol, BS6 7EEFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£415,000
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2020£335,000
New build flat (leasehold)Aug 2006£229,950
Second Floor Flat, 13 Hampton Park, Bristol, BS6 6LGFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£198,000
Garage Associated With, 2 Leyton Villas, Bristol, BS6 6JFOther (freehold)Feb 2023£45,000
10 Banner Road, Bristol, BS6 5LZTerraced (freehold)Feb 2023£242,700
Terraced (freehold)Oct 2013£310,000
Terraced (freehold)Oct 2003£168,000
First Floor Flat, 27 Fernbank Road, Bristol, BS6 6PZFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£410,500
Apartment 46, The Vincent, Redland Hill, Redland, BS6 6BJNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2023£950,000
Hall Floor Flat, 35 Waverley Road, Bristol, BS6 6ESFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£400,000
Flat (leasehold)Feb 2021£370,000
Flat (leasehold)Dec 2017£357,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2014£295,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 2004£186,500
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2001£142,500
Flat (leasehold)Sep 1999£110,000
Flat (leasehold)Feb 1997£77,000
First Floor Flat, 3 Greenway Road, Bristol, BS6 6SFFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£340,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2018£315,000
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2015£272,500
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2014£225,000
Semi-detached (leasehold)Mar 2004£177,000
Semi-detached (leasehold)Jun 1995£54,000
106 Hampton Road, Redland, BS6 6JDFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£470,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2018£435,000
2 Harewood House, Westbury Road, Durdham Park, BS6 6XTFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£500,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 2002£249,000
62 North View, Westbury Park, BS6 7PZFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£332,500
Flat (leasehold)Dec 2006£240,000
Flat (freehold)Sep 2005£157,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2005£157,000
Flat (leasehold)Dec 1999£86,500
Flat (leasehold)Jan 1998£54,999
3 Wellington Avenue, Bristol, BS6 5HPTerraced (freehold)Feb 2023£450,000
10 Redland Park, Bristol, BS6 6SBFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£402,500
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2002£172,750
Flat (leasehold)Jan 2001£115,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2000£120,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 1999£120,000
Flat (leasehold)Jan 1998£78,000
Flat (leasehold)Jan 1997£69,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 1995£28,250
32 St Oswalds Road, Bristol, BS6 7HTSemi-detached (freehold)Feb 2023£905,000
Hall Floor Flat, 10 Sydenham Road, Cotham, BS6 5SHFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£240,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2004£130,000
12 Banner Road, Bristol, BS6 5LZTerraced (freehold)Feb 2023£455,000
Terraced (freehold)Apr 2011£190,000
Ground Floor Flat, 23 Hampton Road, Bristol, BS6 6HPFlat (leasehold)Feb 2023£321,500
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2016£286,500
20 North View, Westbury Park, BS6 7QBTerraced (freehold)Feb 2023£520,000
Terraced (freehold)Jun 2002£168,000
Terraced (freehold)Oct 2000£121,000
Terraced (freehold)Oct 1996£78,000
8 Kenilworth Road, Bristol, BS6 6ERTerraced (freehold)Feb 2023£940,000

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


The average price shown is the geometric mean which multiplies all sales prices together then takes the square root. This should reduce the impact of sales of very expensive houses.
No adjustments are made for seasonal variations, so average prices will not match the Land Registry's own figures
Sales in the final month are always lower than earlier months, due to that month's data not being complete.