Property sales in BS4 postcode district - page 303 Bristol

This is a map and list of properties recently sold in the BS4 postcode district in the UK covering the areas of Brislington, Knowle, Knowle West, St Annes, Totterdown, Bristol, based on the records of the Land Registry

Prices and sales

29 Homemead Drive, Bristol, BS4 5APSemi-detached (freehold)May 1999£97,000
19 Langton Court Road, Bristol, BS4 4EHTerraced (freehold)May 1999£57,000
98 Winchester Road, Bristol, BS4 3NLSemi-detached (freehold)May 1999£81,000
106 Bloomfield Road, Bristol, BS4 3RDTerraced (freehold)May 1999£63,950
59 Springleaze, Bristol, BS4 2TYSemi-detached (leasehold)May 1999£60,000
17 West Town Grove, Bristol, BS4 5EQSemi-detached (freehold)May 1999£79,000
22 West Town Lane, Bristol, BS4 5DBSemi-detached (freehold)May 1999£90,500
120 Hampstead Road, Bristol, BS4 3HNTerraced (freehold)May 1999£81,000
27 The Stepping Stones, St Annes Park, BS4 4EYFlat (leasehold)May 1999£39,000
3 Runnymead Avenue, Bristol, BS4 5BBTerraced (freehold)May 1999£73,340
39 Woodbridge Road, Bristol, BS4 2EXTerraced (freehold)May 1999£71,500
4 Badgers Walk, Bristol, BS4 4LGFlat (leasehold)May 1999£34,500
Flat (leasehold)Mar 1995£32,750
150 Hampstead Road, Bristol, BS4 3HRSemi-detached (freehold)May 1999£117,000
14 Rochester Road, Bristol, BS4 4QQSemi-detached (freehold)May 1999£69,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jul 1997£45,500
126 School Road, Brislington, BS4 4LYTerraced (freehold)May 1999£59,000
35 Grove Park Avenue, Bristol, BS4 4JGTerraced (freehold)May 1999£57,000
10 Langton Court Road, Bristol, BS4 4EHSemi-detached (freehold)Apr 1999£60,000
13 Chelmsford Walk, Bristol, BS4 4DDTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£32,500
17 Langton Way, St Annes Park, BS4 4AUFlat (leasehold)Apr 1999£38,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 1995£36,995
18 Burgess Green Close, St Annes Park, BS4 4DGTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£74,500
184A Wells Road, Bristol, BS4 2ALFlat (leasehold)Apr 1999£21,500
27 Eastwood Road, Bristol, BS4 4RNSemi-detached (freehold)Apr 1999£57,000
34 Priory Road, Knowle, BS4 2NLTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£61,675
8 Devaney Close, St Annes Park, BS4 4RJDetached (freehold)Apr 1999£106,000
32 Trelawney Park, Bristol, BS4 4HDTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£42,500
251 Broomhill Road, Bristol, BS4 4TUTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£53,500
Terraced (freehold)Dec 1998£49,000
Terraced (freehold)Apr 1995£44,995
31A Harrowdene Road, Bristol, BS4 2JLFlat (freehold)Apr 1999£39,950
511 Stockwood Road, Bristol, BS4 5ESSemi-detached (freehold)Apr 1999£52,000
9 Gotley Road, Bristol, BS4 5ATTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£74,000
17 Warrington Road, Bristol, BS4 5AQTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£77,000
41 Callington Road, Bristol, BS4 5BZTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£60,000
118 Salcombe Road, Bristol, BS4 1ABSemi-detached (freehold)Apr 1999£41,000
Semi-detached (freehold)May 1998£22,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Mar 1996£18,600
26 Burgess Green Close, St Annes Park, BS4 4DGTerraced (freehold)Apr 1999£59,950
118 Hampstead Road, Bristol, BS4 3HNTerraced (freehold)Mar 1999£88,000
Terraced (freehold)Jan 1995£59,000
120 Novers Park Road, Bristol, BS4 1RNTerraced (leasehold)Mar 1999£30,000
4 Rossall Road, Bristol, BS4 3NRTerraced (freehold)Mar 1999£49,500
St Mary's House, 59 New Walls, Totterdown, BS4 3TBFlat (leasehold)Mar 1999£17,000
11 Riverside Mews, St Annes Park, BS4 4AZTerraced (freehold)Mar 1999£58,500
39 Manworthy Road, Bristol, BS4 4PPTerraced (freehold)Mar 1999£48,000
Terraced (freehold)Jun 1995£40,500
63 Andover Road, Bristol, BS4 1AJSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 1999£49,500

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


The average price shown is the geometric mean which multiplies all sales prices together then takes the square root. This should reduce the impact of sales of very expensive houses.
No adjustments are made for seasonal variations, so average prices will not match the Land Registry's own figures
Sales in the final month are always lower than earlier months, due to that month's data not being complete.