Postcodes in Babergh page 4 Local Authority District

This page provides postcode data for the Babergh UK Local Authority District.

In 2021, Babergh contained approximately 40,200 households with a population of about 92,300

In 2011, Babergh contained approximately 37,488 households with a population of about 87,650

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

Postcode Ward Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid ref
CO10 0UD Lavenham 52.055688 0.779638 590671 243347 TL906433
CO10 0UE Lavenham 52.055163 0.779022 590631 243287 TL906432
CO10 0UF Lavenham 52.054678 0.778642 590607 243232 TL906432
CO10 0UG Long Melford 52.07163 0.759133 589198 245066 TL891450
CO10 0UH Long Melford 52.066363 0.766279 589710 244499 TL897444
CO10 0UJ Long Melford 52.066764 0.766435 589719 244544 TL897445
CO10 0UL Long Melford 52.067301 0.766556 589725 244604 TL897446
CO10 0UN Long Melford 52.066794 0.76572 589670 244545 TL896445
CO10 0UP Long Melford 52.068283 0.765726 589664 244711 TL896447
CO10 0UQ Long Melford 52.066725 0.762741 589466 244530 TL894445
CO10 0UR Long Melford 52.067135 0.765217 589634 244582 TL896445
CO10 0US Long Melford 52.067892 0.764753 589599 244665 TL895446
CO10 0UT Long Melford 52.066832 0.764703 589600 244547 TL896445
CO10 0UU Long Melford 52.067079 0.76339 589509 244571 TL895445
CO10 0UW Long Melford 52.06751 0.765708 589666 244625 TL896446
CO10 0UX Long Melford 52.067786 0.761216 589357 244644 TL893446
CO10 0UY Long Melford 52.067909 0.762099 589417 244660 TL894446
CO10 0UZ Long Melford 52.06741 0.762301 589433 244605 TL894446
CO10 0WA Great Cornard 52.034676 0.756448 589170 240949 TL891409
CO10 0WB Long Melford 52.067281 0.758966 589205 244582 TL892445
CO10 0WD Great Cornard 52.029953 0.747671 588588 240402 TL885404
CO10 0WE Lavenham 52.053808 0.75055 588685 243062 TL886430
CO10 0WF Great Cornard 52.028079 0.746288 588501 240190 TL885401
CO10 0WG Great Cornard 52.028415 0.746907 588542 240229 TL885402
CO10 0WH Long Melford 52.067656 0.759106 589213 244624 TL892446
CO10 0WJ Long Melford 52.0671 0.759787 589262 244564 TL892445
CO10 0WL Long Melford 52.067111 0.758168 589151 244561 TL891445
CO10 0WN Lavenham 52.055948 0.781374 590789 243380 TL907433
CO10 0WP Lavenham 52.055585 0.780989 590764 243339 TL907433
CO10 0WQ Long Melford 52.067598 0.757337 589092 244613 TL890446
CO10 0WR Long Melford 52.069116 0.763954 589539 244799 TL895447
CO10 0WS Assington 52.024284 0.783026 591037 239863 TL910398
CO10 0WU Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0WW Assington 52.029382 0.800547 592217 240477 TL922404
CO10 0WX Lavenham 52.052261 0.745554 588349 242877 TL883428
CO10 0WY Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0WZ Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0XA Long Melford 52.068649 0.762378 589433 244743 TL894447
CO10 0XB Long Melford 52.0689 0.76127 589356 244768 TL893447
CO10 0XD Long Melford 52.068179 0.760189 589285 244685 TL892446
CO10 0XE Long Melford 52.068359 0.76093 589335 244707 TL893447
CO10 0XF Long Melford 52.068514 0.760458 589302 244723 TL893447
CO10 0XG Long Melford 52.069009 0.760459 589300 244778 TL893447
CO10 0XH Long Melford 52.068049 0.759218 589219 244668 TL892446
CO10 0XJ Long Melford 52.067722 0.760117 589282 244634 TL892446
CO10 0XL Long Melford 52.069127 0.758482 589164 244786 TL891447
CO10 0XN Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0XP Lavenham 52.052906 0.747577 588485 242954 TL884429
CO10 0XQ Long Melford 52.06862 0.759005 589202 244731 TL892447
CO10 0XR Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0XS Lavenham 52.052865 0.746262 588395 242946 TL883429
CO10 0XT Lavenham 52.053529 0.775084 590368 243095 TL903430
CO10 0XU Lavenham 52.052727 0.775151 590376 243006 TL903430
CO10 0XW Assington 52.034456 0.78758 591306 241007 TL913410
CO10 0XX Lavenham 52.05463 0.776624 590469 243221 TL904432
CO10 0XY Lavenham 52.05335 0.776196 590445 243078 TL904430
CO10 0XZ Great Cornard 52.03156 0.759347 589382 240611 TL893406
CO10 0YA Assington 52.032674 0.794089 591760 240826 TL917408
CO10 0YB Lavenham 52.052637 0.74565 588354 242919 TL883429
CO10 0YD Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0YE Great Cornard 52.028519 0.756696 589213 240266 TL892402
CO10 0YF Great Cornard 52.027587 0.757688 589285 240164 TL892401
CO10 0YG Great Cornard 52.027633 0.756495 589203 240166 TL892401
CO10 0YH Great Cornard 52.028923 0.75901 589370 240316 TL893403
CO10 0YJ Great Cornard 52.028366 0.757838 589292 240251 TL892402
CO10 0YL Great Cornard 52.027179 0.754383 589060 240110 TL890401
CO10 0YN Great Cornard 52.027967 0.758776 589358 240210 TL893402
CO10 0YP Great Cornard 52.028029 0.760733 589492 240222 TL894402
CO10 0YQ Great Cornard 52.027182 0.755418 589131 240114 TL891401
CO10 0YR Great Cornard 52.02754 0.761243 589529 240168 TL895401
CO10 0YS Great Cornard 52.027633 0.759572 589414 240174 TL894401
CO10 0YT Great Cornard 52.026507 0.761952 589582 240055 TL895400
CO10 0YU Great Cornard 52.025233 0.761042 589525 239911 TL895399
CO10 0YW Great Cornard 52.027263 0.756939 589235 240126 TL892401
CO10 0YX Great Cornard 52.027173 0.758873 589368 240122 TL893401
CO10 0YY Great Cornard 52.026295 0.759489 589414 240025 TL894400
CO10 0YZ Great Cornard 52.02494 0.758968 589384 239873 TL893398
CO10 0ZA Lavenham 52.044871 0.755091 589034 242080 TL890420
CO10 0ZB Lavenham 52.044772 0.754851 589018 242068 TL890420
CO10 0ZD Lavenham 52.052353 0.746624 588422 242890 TL884428
CO10 0ZE Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0ZF Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0ZG Great Cornard 52.022081 0.747772 588628 239526 TL886395
CO10 0ZH Great Cornard 52.021161 0.749071 588721 239428 TL887394
CO10 0ZJ Great Cornard 52.020644 0.748077 588655 239367 TL886393
CO10 0ZL Lavenham 52.05297 0.746794 588431 242959 TL884429
CO10 0ZN Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0ZP Great Cornard 52.021795 0.749635 588757 239499 TL887394
CO10 0ZQ Great Cornard 52.023384 0.747661 588615 239671 TL886396
CO10 0ZR Lavenham 52.044871 0.755091 589034 242080 TL890420
CO10 0ZS Lavenham 52.053587 0.746146 588384 243026 TL883430
CO10 0ZT Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0ZU Lavenham 52.053027 0.744346 588263 242959 TL882429
CO10 0ZW Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0ZX Great Cornard 52.029323 0.744586 588379 240323 TL883403
CO10 1AA Sudbury South East 52.04513 0.737022 587794 242062 TL877420
CO10 1AB Lavenham 52.044772 0.754851 589018 242068 TL890420
CO10 1AD Sudbury North West 52.046409 0.732461 587476 242192 TL874421
CO10 1AE Sudbury North West 52.054195 0.720713 586638 243028 TL866430
CO10 1AF Sudbury North West 52.053827 0.720311 586612 242986 TL866429
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Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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