Postcodes in Babergh Local Authority District

This page provides postcode data for the Babergh UK Local Authority District.

In 2021, Babergh contained approximately 40,200 households with a population of about 92,300

In 2011, Babergh contained approximately 37,488 households with a population of about 87,650

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

Postcode Ward Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid ref
CO10 0AA Sudbury North West 52.051422 0.741986 588108 242774 TL881427
CO10 0AB Long Melford 52.061212 0.748146 588489 243879 TL884438
CO10 0AD Long Melford 52.061761 0.738083 587797 243914 TL877439
CO10 0AE Long Melford 52.066274 0.742152 588057 244426 TL880444
CO10 0AF Long Melford 52.06616 0.762297 589438 244466 TL894444
CO10 0AG Long Melford 52.065554 0.77011 589976 244419 TL899444
CO10 0AH Long Melford 52.067371 0.768544 589861 244617 TL898446
CO10 0AJ Long Melford 52.069216 0.765813 589666 244815 TL896448
CO10 0AL Long Melford 52.069934 0.762837 589459 244887 TL894448
CO10 0AN Long Melford 52.070413 0.762326 589422 244939 TL894449
CO10 0AP Long Melford 52.070439 0.761204 589345 244939 TL893449
CO10 0AQ Long Melford 52.067044 0.772128 590108 244590 TL901445
CO10 0AR Long Melford 52.071842 0.763159 589473 245100 TL894450
CO10 0AS Long Melford 52.070951 0.763177 589478 245001 TL894450
CO10 0AT Long Melford 52.071039 0.76057 589299 245004 TL892450
CO10 0AU Long Melford 52.070575 0.760016 589263 244951 TL892449
CO10 0AW Long Melford 52.069641 0.76114 589344 244850 TL893448
CO10 0AX Long Melford 52.070743 0.75899 589192 244967 TL891449
CO10 0AY Long Melford 52.07086 0.759142 589202 244980 TL892449
CO10 0AZ Long Melford 52.070688 0.75941 589221 244962 TL892449
CO10 0BA Long Melford 52.072047 0.757071 589055 245107 TL890451
CO10 0BB Long Melford 52.07696 0.749288 588501 245633 TL885456
CO10 0BD Long Melford 52.078393 0.746063 588274 245784 TL882457
CO10 0BE Long Melford 52.08073 0.740718 587898 246030 TL878460
CO10 0BG Long Melford 52.078979 0.733619 587419 245817 TL874458
CO10 0BH Long Melford 52.0867 0.752705 588694 246725 TL886467
CO10 0BJ Long Melford 52.089859 0.768884 589789 247118 TL897471
CO10 0BL Long Melford 52.092266 0.777299 590355 247408 TL903474
CO10 0BN Lavenham 52.087178 0.778734 590475 246846 TL904468
CO10 0BP Long Melford 52.069797 0.758684 589175 244861 TL891448
CO10 0BQ Long Melford 52.078991 0.731168 587251 245812 TL872458
CO10 0BS Long Melford 52.064306 0.751749 588723 244232 TL887442
CO10 0BT Long Melford 52.067139 0.770398 589989 244596 TL899445
CO10 0BU Long Melford 52.066428 0.767348 589783 244509 TL897445
CO10 0BW Long Melford 52.074889 0.76936 589885 245455 TL898454
CO10 0BX Long Melford 52.067044 0.767926 589820 244579 TL898445
CO10 0BY Long Melford 52.066465 0.768474 589860 244516 TL898445
CO10 0BZ Long Melford 52.067735 0.767004 589754 244653 TL897446
CO10 0DA Great Cornard 52.030813 0.746645 588514 240494 TL885404
CO10 0DB Great Cornard 52.031738 0.745958 588463 240596 TL884405
CO10 0DD Great Cornard 52.032558 0.746271 588481 240688 TL884406
CO10 0DE Great Cornard 52.032794 0.745978 588460 240713 TL884407
CO10 0DF Great Cornard 52.032003 0.746908 588527 240627 TL885406
CO10 0DG Great Cornard 52.03133 0.748018 588606 240556 TL886405
CO10 0DH Great Cornard 52.03224 0.751778 588860 240666 TL888406
CO10 0DJ Long Melford 52.071755 0.763781 589516 245092 TL895450
CO10 0DL Great Cornard 52.032428 0.749894 588730 240682 TL887406
CO10 0DN Great Cornard 52.033207 0.746967 588526 240762 TL885407
CO10 0DP Great Cornard 52.0331 0.748841 588655 240754 TL886407
CO10 0DQ Great Cornard 52.031858 0.749669 588717 240619 TL887406
CO10 0DR Great Cornard 52.030069 0.762696 589618 240453 TL896404
CO10 0DS Great Cornard 52.033719 0.74815 588605 240822 TL886408
CO10 0DT Great Cornard 52.034126 0.750362 588755 240873 TL887408
CO10 0DU Great Cornard 52.033614 0.751089 588807 240817 TL888408
CO10 0DW Great Cornard 52.032185 0.747998 588601 240651 TL886406
CO10 0DX Great Cornard 52.033993 0.754304 589026 240868 TL890408
CO10 0DY Great Cornard 52.03402 0.757967 589277 240881 TL892408
CO10 0DZ Great Cornard 52.034798 0.753932 588997 240957 TL889409
CO10 0EA Great Cornard 52.034023 0.752456 588899 240867 TL888408
CO10 0EB Great Cornard 52.028292 0.762936 589642 240257 TL896402
CO10 0ED Great Cornard 52.029342 0.760712 589485 240367 TL894403
CO10 0EE Great Cornard 52.030289 0.748304 588630 240441 TL886404
CO10 0EF Assington 52.031165 0.795132 591838 240660 TL918406
CO10 0EG Lavenham 52.056476 0.781336 590784 243439 TL907434
CO10 0EH Great Cornard 52.032746 0.743614 588298 240702 TL882407
CO10 0EJ Great Cornard 52.0311 0.743586 588303 240518 TL883405
CO10 0EL Great Cornard 52.03013 0.745087 588410 240414 TL884404
CO10 0EN Great Cornard 52.029332 0.745009 588408 240326 TL884403
CO10 0EP Great Cornard 52.028171 0.752738 588943 240217 TL889402
CO10 0EQ Long Melford 52.061876 0.731189 587324 243909 TL873439
CO10 0ER Great Cornard 52.029172 0.754928 589089 240334 TL890403
CO10 0ES Great Cornard 52.029783 0.756876 589220 240407 TL892404
CO10 0ET Great Cornard 52.030667 0.756755 589208 240505 TL892405
CO10 0EU Great Cornard 52.029901 0.754694 589070 240414 TL890404
CO10 0EW Great Cornard 52.033149 0.757899 589276 240783 TL892407
CO10 0EX Great Cornard 52.030603 0.754491 589053 240492 TL890404
CO10 0EY Great Cornard 52.031749 0.752797 588932 240615 TL889406
CO10 0EZ Great Cornard 52.031199 0.752457 588911 240552 TL889405
CO10 0FA Great Cornard 52.030394 0.756111 589165 240472 TL891404
CO10 0FB Great Cornard 52.033424 0.749984 588732 240793 TL887407
CO10 0FD Long Melford 52.079339 0.747522 588370 245893 TL883458
CO10 0FE Great Cornard 52.030377 0.75802 589296 240476 TL892404
CO10 0FF Lavenham 52.056822 0.780933 590755 243476 TL907434
CO10 0FG Lavenham 52.057006 0.782492 590861 243501 TL908435
CO10 0FH Lavenham 52.053801 0.779215 590650 243136 TL906431
CO10 0FJ Great Cornard 52.029083 0.761411 589534 240341 TL895403
CO10 0FL Great Cornard 52.02044 0.749887 588780 239349 TL887393
CO10 0FN Great Cornard 52.027908 0.762432 589609 240213 TL896402
CO10 0FP Great Cornard 52.027913 0.746438 588512 240171 TL885401
CO10 0FQ Assington 52.033149 0.794906 591814 240881 TL918408
CO10 0FR Great Cornard 52.02946 0.761827 589561 240384 TL895403
CO10 0FS Great Cornard 52.022899 0.748768 588693 239620 TL886396
CO10 0FT Great Cornard 52.021988 0.748685 588691 239518 TL886395
CO10 0FU Assington 52.028266 0.786174 591236 240315 TL912403
CO10 0FW Lavenham 52.054355 0.78011 590709 243200 TL907431
CO10 0FX Great Cornard 52.033963 0.747916 588588 240848 TL885408
CO10 0FY Great Cornard 52.033887 0.756749 589194 240863 TL891408
CO10 0FZ Great Cornard 52.032701 0.751296 588825 240716 TL888407
CO10 0GA Lavenham 52.053067 0.749936 588646 242978 TL886429
CO10 0GB Great Cornard 52.021398 0.750644 588828 239458 TL888394
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license