Postcodes in Babergh page 2 Local Authority District

This page provides postcode data for the Babergh UK Local Authority District.

In 2021, Babergh contained approximately 40,200 households with a population of about 92,300

In 2011, Babergh contained approximately 37,488 households with a population of about 87,650

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

Postcode Ward Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid ref
CO10 0GD Lavenham 52.052155 0.749734 588636 242876 TL886428
CO10 0GE Great Cornard 52.027531 0.746255 588501 240129 TL885401
CO10 0GF Great Cornard 52.027299 0.742698 588258 240094 TL882400
CO10 0GG Great Cornard 52.026291 0.742168 588226 239980 TL882399
CO10 0GH Great Cornard 52.0283 0.746054 588484 240214 TL884402
CO10 0GJ Lavenham 52.0661 0.775163 590320 244493 TL903444
CO10 0GL Great Cornard 52.035147 0.74748 588553 240979 TL885409
CO10 0GN Lavenham 52.048859 0.747985 588530 242505 TL885425
CO10 0GP Assington 52.029571 0.795789 591890 240485 TL918404
CO10 0GQ Lavenham 52.044871 0.755091 589034 242080 TL890420
CO10 0GR Long Melford 52.078289 0.744743 588184 245769 TL881457
CO10 0GS Lavenham 52.052248 0.749215 588600 242885 TL886428
CO10 0GT Assington 52.011167 0.773321 590427 238379 TL904383
CO10 0GU Lavenham 52.052366 0.750301 588674 242901 TL886429
CO10 0GW Great Cornard 52.02596 0.74228 588235 239944 TL882399
CO10 0GX Lavenham 52.045012 0.754967 589025 242095 TL890420
CO10 0GY Great Cornard 52.023786 0.75795 589319 239742 TL893397
CO10 0GZ Lavenham 52.052512 0.750587 588693 242918 TL886429
CO10 0HA Great Cornard 52.03035 0.753018 588953 240460 TL889404
CO10 0HB Great Cornard 52.030142 0.754215 589036 240440 TL890404
CO10 0HD Great Cornard 52.029489 0.7533 588976 240365 TL889403
CO10 0HE Great Cornard 52.030642 0.752044 588885 240489 TL888404
CO10 0HF Great Cornard 52.031723 0.7516 588850 240609 TL888406
CO10 0HG Great Cornard 52.029198 0.751882 588880 240328 TL888403
CO10 0HH Great Cornard 52.028878 0.750944 588817 240290 TL888402
CO10 0HJ Great Cornard 52.031661 0.744786 588383 240584 TL883405
CO10 0HL Great Cornard 52.031054 0.744808 588387 240517 TL883405
CO10 0HN Great Cornard 52.032793 0.745061 588397 240711 TL883407
CO10 0HP Great Cornard 52.034013 0.741723 588163 240838 TL881408
CO10 0HQ Great Cornard 52.030073 0.751003 588816 240424 TL888404
CO10 0HR Great Cornard 52.029186 0.746048 588480 240312 TL884403
CO10 0HS Great Cornard 52.033393 0.744192 588335 240775 TL883407
CO10 0HT Great Cornard 52.028866 0.747211 588561 240279 TL885402
CO10 0HU Great Cornard 52.028672 0.743963 588339 240249 TL883402
CO10 0HW Lavenham 52.052034 0.774817 590356 242928 TL903429
CO10 0HX Great Cornard 52.028588 0.745649 588455 240244 TL884402
CO10 0HY Great Cornard 52.02926 0.746929 588540 240323 TL885403
CO10 0HZ Great Cornard 52.028426 0.747795 588603 240232 TL886402
CO10 0JA Great Cornard 52.026034 0.743349 588308 239955 TL883399
CO10 0JB Great Cornard 52.025281 0.743595 588328 239871 TL883398
CO10 0JD Great Cornard 52.025778 0.745812 588478 239932 TL884399
CO10 0JE Great Cornard 52.026875 0.743925 588344 240050 TL883400
CO10 0JF Great Cornard 52.02708 0.744361 588373 240073 TL883400
CO10 0JG Great Cornard 52.024232 0.745426 588458 239760 TL884397
CO10 0JH Great Cornard 52.02707 0.745949 588482 240076 TL884400
CO10 0JJ Great Cornard 52.024822 0.74708 588569 239829 TL885398
CO10 0JL Great Cornard 52.025843 0.747667 588605 239944 TL886399
CO10 0JN Great Cornard 52.024763 0.746158 588506 239820 TL885398
CO10 0JP Great Cornard 52.023978 0.747028 588569 239735 TL885397
CO10 0JQ Great Cornard 52.021628 0.74563 588483 239471 TL884394
CO10 0JR Great Cornard 52.024333 0.748799 588689 239780 TL886397
CO10 0JS Great Cornard 52.026867 0.748488 588657 240060 TL886400
CO10 0JT Great Cornard 52.028939 0.748324 588637 240290 TL886402
CO10 0JU Great Cornard 52.024316 0.752018 588910 239786 TL889397
CO10 0JW Great Cornard 52.024839 0.748291 588652 239834 TL886398
CO10 0JX Great Cornard 52.026332 0.75713 589252 240023 TL892400
CO10 0JY Great Cornard 52.026113 0.75614 589185 239997 TL891399
CO10 0JZ Great Cornard 52.034803 0.749659 588704 240946 TL887409
CO10 0LA Great Cornard 52.031917 0.754062 589018 240636 TL890406
CO10 0LB Great Cornard 52.031159 0.758039 589294 240563 TL892405
CO10 0LD Great Cornard 52.031617 0.756901 589214 240611 TL892406
CO10 0LE Great Cornard 52.033123 0.756323 589168 240776 TL891407
CO10 0LF Great Cornard 52.032986 0.755279 589097 240759 TL890407
CO10 0LG Great Cornard 52.032008 0.756327 589173 240653 TL891406
CO10 0LH Great Cornard 52.034594 0.748408 588619 240919 TL886409
CO10 0LJ Great Cornard 52.035782 0.748773 588639 241053 TL886410
CO10 0LL Great Cornard 52.030863 0.755674 589133 240523 TL891405
CO10 0LN Great Cornard 52.037178 0.749077 588654 241209 TL886412
CO10 0LP Great Cornard 52.035962 0.751059 588795 241078 TL887410
CO10 0LQ Great Cornard 52.032409 0.755534 589117 240695 TL891406
CO10 0LR Great Cornard 52.035807 0.749808 588710 241058 TL887410
CO10 0LS Great Cornard 52.035345 0.752479 588895 241014 TL888410
CO10 0LT Great Cornard 52.034741 0.751392 588823 240944 TL888409
CO10 0LU Great Cornard 52.031105 0.76034 589452 240563 TL894405
CO10 0LW Great Cornard 52.036535 0.748307 588604 241135 TL886411
CO10 0LX Great Cornard 52.038952 0.751445 588809 241412 TL888414
CO10 0LY Great Cornard 52.03811 0.750374 588739 241316 TL887413
CO10 0LZ Great Cornard 52.035293 0.748318 588610 240997 TL886409
CO10 0NA Great Cornard 52.02887 0.760158 589449 240314 TL894403
CO10 0NB Great Cornard 52.029321 0.759705 589416 240363 TL894403
CO10 0ND Great Cornard 52.029507 0.758111 589306 240379 TL893403
CO10 0NE Great Cornard 52.027092 0.757351 589264 240109 TL892401
CO10 0NF Great Cornard 52.029846 0.758775 589350 240418 TL893404
CO10 0NG Great Cornard 52.027549 0.760077 589449 240166 TL894401
CO10 0NH Great Cornard 52.025716 0.754628 589083 239948 TL890399
CO10 0NJ Great Cornard 52.026293 0.750727 588813 240002 TL888400
CO10 0NL Great Cornard 52.020654 0.754215 589076 239385 TL890393
CO10 0NN Assington 52.016342 0.747056 588603 238886 TL886388
CO10 0NP Assington 52.013172 0.748028 588683 238536 TL886385
CO10 0NQ Great Cornard 52.028354 0.75912 589380 240253 TL893402
CO10 0NR Assington 52.011599 0.748733 588738 238363 TL887383
CO10 0NS Assington 52.007778 0.752914 589041 237949 TL890379
CO10 0NT Assington 52.003782 0.75806 589411 237518 TL894375
CO10 0NU Assington 51.999 0.761394 589660 236995 TL896369
CO10 0NW Assington 52.014901 0.747172 588617 238726 TL886387
CO10 0NX Assington 52.001094 0.764918 589893 237237 TL898372
CO10 0NY Assington 52.000481 0.769424 590205 237181 TL902371
CO10 0NZ Assington 52.003498 0.771667 590346 237522 TL903375
CO10 0PA Assington 52.004049 0.767373 590049 237572 TL900375
CO10 0PB Assington 52.011301 0.751892 588956 238338 TL889383
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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