Map of Ynyswen station

Ynyswen station
Postcode CF42 6EG
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Payne`s Shop (SE)
Payne`s Shop (NW)
Railway Station (NW)
Railway Station (SE)
Penyrenglyn School (NW)
Baglan Hotel (SE)
Station code (TLC) YNW
Station code (NLC) 3818
Owner TfW Rail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 5,288 -60.5 %
2023 13,398 22.9 %
2022 10,898 538.8 %
2021 1,706 -84.8 %
2020 11,210 2.5 %
2019 10,940 -14.3 %
2018 12,766 -4.3 %
2017 13,346 42.3 %
2016 9,376 -6.8 %
2015 10,064 3.4 %
2014 9,730 -0.5 %
2013 9,782 30.0 %
2012 7,524 -3.0 %
2011 7,754 -39.7 %
2010 12,858 -0.5 %
2009 12,918 50.4 %
2008 8,588 -5.6 %
2007 9,101 39.3 %
2006 6,535 -19.9 %
2005 8,162
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 51.664975
Longitude -3.521598
Easting 294860
Northing 197341
Grid reference SS948973
UTM reference 30U 463925 5723905
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)