Map of Stalybridge station

Stalybridge station
Postcode SK15 1RF
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Stalybridge Station (E)
Ridge Hill Lane (W)
Thompson Cross (E)
Stamford Park Inn (E)
West Street (E)
Harrison Street (N)
Station code (TLC) SYB
Station code (NLC) 2983
Owner TransPennine Express
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 673,428 8.7 % 54,344 -24.0 %
2023 619,346 -7.0 % 71,513 -13.1 %
2022 666,170 152.2 % 82,337 304.2 %
2021 264,148 -78.3 % 20,372 -81.6 %
2020 1,219,638 -2.0 % 110,655 -31.6 %
2019 1,244,122 8.2 % 161,716 32.8 %
2018 1,150,310 -0.1 % 121,817 -1.0 %
2017 1,150,886 1.9 % 122,997 12.1 %
2016 1,128,900 4.0 % 109,717 24.8 %
2015 1,085,716 -1.7 % 87,924 -18.7 %
2014 1,104,882 7.5 % 108,121 -18.0 %
2013 1,028,260 -8.0 % 131,927 45.5 %
2012 1,117,992 7.9 % 90,661 76.0 %
2011 1,036,004 11.0 % 51,511 13.1 %
2010 932,976 4.3 % 45,536 -16.7 %
2009 894,118 16.7 % 54,667 -20.5 %
2008 766,010 9.4 % 68,775 140.4 %
2007 699,931 1.8 % 28,608 141.6 %
2006 687,664 5.5 % 11,842 -66.3 %
2005 651,675 35,093
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.484581
Longitude -2.062742
Easting 395934
Northing 398653
Grid reference SJ959986
UTM reference 30U 562192 5926587
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)