Map of Shrewsbury station

Shrewsbury station
Postcode SY1 2DQ
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Post Office (NE)
The Gateway (N)
Broome Place (SE)
Gasworks (NE)
The Pump House (NW)
Morris (NW)
Station code (TLC) SHR
Station code (NLC) 4387
Owner TfW Rail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 2,013,398 8.9 % 257,345 32.8 %
2023 1,848,336 16.8 % 193,774 67.1 %
2022 1,582,378 187.9 % 115,968 323.7 %
2021 549,692 -75.3 % 27,369 -86.4 %
2020 2,221,170 -0.2 % 200,933 -14.1 %
2019 2,226,302 0.7 % 233,892 0.0 %
2018 2,211,520 5.9 % 233,807 -1.5 %
2017 2,087,820 5.5 % 237,298 -0.9 %
2016 1,979,248 3.6 % 239,566 8.4 %
2015 1,911,258 6.1 % 221,009 2.4 %
2014 1,801,680 3.0 % 215,896 -0.3 %
2013 1,749,732 1.1 % 216,636 5.6 %
2012 1,730,390 3.2 % 205,148 20.2 %
2011 1,676,850 2.8 % 170,633 4.1 %
2010 1,630,474 2.2 % 163,854 21.2 %
2009 1,595,812 9.2 % 135,207 -10.3 %
2008 1,460,860 8.8 % 150,773 -39.1 %
2007 1,342,789 2.0 % 247,741 88.9 %
2006 1,316,852 1.6 % 131,164 -7.6 %
2005 1,295,483 141,926
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 52.711931
Longitude -2.749762
Easting 349445
Northing 312960
Grid reference SJ494129
UTM reference 30U 516905 5840255
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)