Map of Shipley (Yorks) station

Shipley (Yorks) station
Postcode BD18 2JL
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Briggate Charles Street (W)
Briggate Otley Road (E)
Leeds Rd Carnegie Drive (E)
Leeds Rd Carnegie Drive (NW)
Crag Rd Owlet Road (NE)
Market Square (S)
Station code (TLC) SHY
Station code (NLC) 8347
Owner Northern Trains
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 1,129,942 2.1 % 321,024 1.8 %
2023 1,106,944 10.2 % 315,355 16.9 %
2022 1,004,806 118.8 % 269,880 135.9 %
2021 459,298 -72.4 % 114,392 -71.1 %
2020 1,665,754 -2.3 % 396,029 0.0 %
2019 1,704,388 -0.7 % 395,939 -1.1 %
2018 1,716,332 -1.6 % 400,427 -2.9 %
2017 1,744,520 0.3 % 412,352 8.0 %
2016 1,739,258 -2.1 % 381,731 10.7 %
2015 1,775,968 2.6 % 344,790 6.9 %
2014 1,731,591 3.9 % 322,449 1.3 %
2013 1,666,542 8.8 % 318,342 0.2 %
2012 1,531,672 3.3 % 317,745 2.7 %
2011 1,482,972 13.8 % 309,316 9.0 %
2010 1,303,096 2.2 % 283,681 0.9 %
2009 1,275,264 34.8 % 281,070 33.1 %
2008 946,386 4.9 % 211,248 -12.7 %
2007 902,192 4.6 % 241,881 23.5 %
2006 862,724 3.8 % 195,786 8.1 %
2005 831,332 181,113
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.833053
Longitude -1.77349
Easting 415005
Northing 437445
Grid reference SE150374
UTM reference 30U 580716 5965644
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)