Map of Reedham (Norfolk) station

Reedham (Norfolk) station
Postcode NR13 3JF
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Railway Station (S)
Freethorpe Road (NW)
Station code (TLC) REE
Station code (NLC) 7316
Owner Greater Anglia
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 39,320 6.1 % 859 -4.9 %
2023 37,042 2.2 % 903 30.9 %
2022 36,230 236.4 % 690 283.3 %
2021 10,770 -73.8 % 180 -70.7 %
2020 41,074 -10.0 % 614 0.7 %
2019 45,618 -0.9 % 610 0.2 %
2018 46,020 -8.5 % 609 10.9 %
2017 50,302 16.8 % 549 8.9 %
2016 43,080 -5.0 % 504 14.3 %
2015 45,336 -0.3 % 441 -8.3 %
2014 45,482 -1.4 % 481 -15.3 %
2013 46,112 5.1 % 568 17.6 %
2012 43,870 8.8 % 483 -11.4 %
2011 40,326 14.3 % 545 -0.4 %
2010 35,294 -3.4 % 547 -15.8 %
2009 36,552 -0.9 % 650 32.1 %
2008 36,889 52.6 % 492 4.7 %
2007 24,173 14.4 % 470 -15.6 %
2006 21,127 -11.4 % 557 24.9 %
2005 23,832 446
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 52.564499
Longitude 1.559651
Easting 641350
Northing 302250
Grid reference TG413022
UTM reference 31U 402370 5824800
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)