Map of Pontefract Baghill station

Pontefract Baghill station
Postcode WF8 1RB
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Viking Road Camelot Court (NE)
Viking Road Camelot Court (SW)
South Baileygate Baghill Lane (SW)
Baghill Lane Industrial Estate (NW)
Friarwood Lane Southgate (N)
Grove Rd Churchbalk Lane (E)
Station code (TLC) PFR
Station code (NLC) 8540
Owner Northern Trains
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 15,676 62.6 % 26 100.0 %
2023 9,638 -18.3 % 13 30.0 %
2022 11,800 326.3 % 10 400.0 %
2021 2,768 -72.9 % 2 -60.0 %
2020 10,206 38.4 % 5 400.0 %
2019 7,376 14.4 % 1 -87.5 %
2018 6,450 4.9 % 8 60.0 %
2017 6,148 7.9 % 5 150.0 %
2016 5,696 5.4 % 2 0.0 %
2015 5,406 -4.6 % 2
2014 5,666 7.9 %
2013 5,252 6.8 %
2012 4,916 14.1 %
2011 4,308 5.6 %
2010 4,078 4.8 %
2009 3,892 -10.3 %
2008 4,341 -93.3 %
2007 64,802 61034.0 %
2006 106 100.0 %
2005 53
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.691882
Longitude -1.303353
Easting 446100
Northing 421940
Grid reference SE460219
UTM reference 30U 612029 5950578
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)