Map of Polesworth station

Polesworth station
Postcode B78 1BX
This station has limited services, so check before trying to get a train
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Orchard Close (NW)
Ankerside (SW)
Ankerside (NE)
Shops (E)
Shops (W)
Elizabeth Avenue (E)
Station code (TLC) PSW
Station code (NLC) 1078
Owner West Midlands Trains (London Northwestern Railway)
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 118 -37.2 %
2023 188 38.2 %
2022 136 518.2 %
2021 22 -77.1 %
2020 96 -48.4 %
2019 186 -29.0 %
2018 262 -79.4 %
2017 1,270 39.9 %
2016 908 10.7 %
2015 820 16.8 %
2014 702 -2.8 %
2013 722 -47.5 %
2012 1,376 99.4 %
2011 690 150.0 %
2010 276 27.8 %
2009 216 -3.1 %
2008 223 -63.8 %
2007 616 69.2 %
2006 364 -24.0 %
2005 479
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 52.625833
Longitude -1.61054
Easting 426460
Northing 303190
Grid reference SK264031
UTM reference 30U 594048 5831555
Plus code
Distance away