Map of Motherwell station

Motherwell station
Postcode ML1 1BL
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Motherwell Railway Station (N)
Milton Street (SE)
Muir Street (NE)
High Road (NE)
Motherwell Library (SW)
Queen Street (NE)
Station code (TLC) MTH
Station code (NLC) 9691
Owner ScotRail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 917,772 31.3 % 90,509 24.9 %
2023 699,220 28.1 % 72,468 7.6 %
2022 545,802 213.5 % 67,344 290.1 %
2021 174,096 -87.0 % 17,263 -89.3 %
2020 1,343,424 -3.1 % 160,598 -3.3 %
2019 1,386,976 -2.3 % 166,094 3.1 %
2018 1,419,098 2.3 % 161,073 -16.7 %
2017 1,387,356 10.3 % 193,391 13.3 %
2016 1,258,130 2.7 % 170,662 -1.7 %
2015 1,225,648 8.0 % 173,658 33.6 %
2014 1,135,336 -12.2 % 129,944 9.3 %
2013 1,292,518 -0.7 % 118,864 8.6 %
2012 1,301,158 4.4 % 109,493 -1.8 %
2011 1,246,354 4.4 % 111,521 9.1 %
2010 1,193,302 -3.8 % 102,205 -10.5 %
2009 1,240,868 13.2 % 114,191 24.4 %
2008 1,096,637 0.2 % 91,825 24.2 %
2007 1,094,649 4.0 % 73,930 -11.3 %
2006 1,052,447 9.4 % 83,323 18.3 %
2005 961,831 70,423
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 55.791679
Longitude -3.994326
Easting 275054
Northing 657176
Grid reference NS750571
UTM reference 30U 437654 6183341
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)