Map of Liverpool South Parkway station

Liverpool South Parkway station
Postcode L19 5NE
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Liverpool South Parkway (E)
Liverpool South Parkway (NW)
Knavesmire Way (SW)
Woolton Road (S)
Stamfordham Drive (N)
Mather Avenue (NE)
Station code (TLC) LPY
Station code (NLC) 9709
Owner Merseyrail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 2,017,700 11.3 % 206,254 46.2 %
2023 1,812,630 24.1 % 141,083 -83.5 %
2022 1,460,056 154.6 % 855,798 236.5 %
2021 573,572 -78.5 % 254,308 -86.9 %
2020 2,663,414 -3.0 % 1,935,655 170.1 %
2019 2,745,588 22.2 % 716,664 -7.3 %
2018 2,247,382 13.3 % 772,875 6.0 %
2017 1,983,726 4.7 % 729,311 -2.4 %
2016 1,893,958 5.0 % 747,188 4.6 %
2015 1,803,308 1.0 % 714,611 -5.7 %
2014 1,785,444 141.1 % 758,117 106.6 %
2013 740,414 0.9 % 366,987 -19.3 %
2012 733,700 14.3 % 455,027 41.0 %
2011 641,662 10.3 % 322,720 55.5 %
2010 581,898 2.3 % 207,563 -6.2 %
2009 568,822 35.5 % 221,322 -14.2 %
2008 419,681 45.3 % 257,942
2007 288,845
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.357747
Longitude -2.889143
Easting 340920
Northing 384910
Grid reference SJ409849
UTM reference 30U 507377 5912073
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)