Map of Kirkcaldy station

Kirkcaldy station
Postcode KY1 1YL
Nearby stations
Bus stops
College of Nursing (N)
East Fergus Place (SW)
East Fergus Place (NE)
Railway Station Stance A (N)
Railway Station Stance B (N)
Railway Station Stance C (N)
Station code (TLC) KDY
Station code (NLC) 9145
Owner ScotRail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 782,132 21.8 % 5,830 174.5 %
2023 642,242 11.0 % 2,124 -82.1 %
2022 578,852 315.4 % 11,887 326.5 %
2021 139,356 -86.2 % 2,787 -86.1 %
2020 1,008,276 -9.2 % 20,044 1.6 %
2019 1,109,834 -0.3 % 19,728 3.0 %
2018 1,113,242 -0.4 % 19,155 -25.6 %
2017 1,117,694 -3.5 % 25,761 21.5 %
2016 1,157,650 3.9 % 21,199 2.6 %
2015 1,113,898 8.2 % 20,660 -5.6 %
2014 1,029,702 2.9 % 21,897 12.2 %
2013 1,000,270 1.2 % 19,523 -2.7 %
2012 988,498 -0.1 % 20,059 -4.4 %
2011 989,230 -7.9 % 20,980 16.7 %
2010 1,074,524 -4.2 % 17,980 -1.2 %
2009 1,121,618 -2.6 % 18,194 -0.6 %
2008 1,151,747 2.3 % 18,297 14.9 %
2007 1,126,272 5.1 % 15,929 5.7 %
2006 1,071,969 2.1 % 15,066 6.9 %
2005 1,050,188 14,098
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 56.112062
Longitude -3.167029
Easting 327524
Northing 691648
Grid reference NT275916
UTM reference 30V 489612 6218564
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)