Map of Birmingham Moor Street station

Birmingham Moor Street station
Postcode B4 7UL
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Moor St Selfridges (SE)
Bus Mall (SW)
Moor St Selfridges (NW)
Moor St Station (NE)
Bus Mall (NE)
Bullring (NE)
Station code (TLC) BMO
Station code (NLC) 4515
Owner Chiltern Railways
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 6,416,708 16.1 % 400,786 19.5 %
2023 5,525,776 26.1 % 335,256 82.3 %
2022 4,383,606 181.8 % 183,875 235.9 %
2021 1,555,688 -78.6 % 54,741 -86.5 %
2020 7,273,548 1.0 % 404,098 -15.4 %
2019 7,200,372 8.4 % 477,698 2.7 %
2018 6,642,412 -2.4 % 465,016 10.4 %
2017 6,803,086 -1.0 % 421,088 -6.6 %
2016 6,874,222 5.4 % 450,609 7.0 %
2015 6,521,272 4.7 % 421,291 7.1 %
2014 6,229,634 2.1 % 393,486 -5.2 %
2013 6,101,444 -4.4 % 415,115 -34.4 %
2012 6,385,572 34.3 % 632,720 95.9 %
2011 4,756,321 11.7 % 323,033 95.8 %
2010 4,259,185 18.2 % 165,021 -4.8 %
2009 3,602,444 424.0 % 173,385 16.2 %
2008 687,439 -74.4 % 149,215 9.7 %
2007 2,680,847 991.4 % 136,043 -33.2 %
2006 245,628 52.4 % 203,622 -46.8 %
2005 161,187 382,633
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 52.479081
Longitude -1.892473
Easting 407400
Northing 286800
Grid reference SP073868
UTM reference 30U 575216 5814901
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)