Map of YO62 6RD postcode

General information
Postcode YO62 6RD
Post Town York
Nearest station Malton (13 km)
Bus stops
The Green (S)
The Appletree Inn (SE)
The Appletree Inn (NW)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 130 View
Known addresses
Appletree Cottage, Marton Road, Marton
Appletree Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Ashview, Marton, Sinnington
Barn Cottage, Marton Road, Marton
Barn Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Barnstones, Marton, Sinnington
Bridge View, Marton, Sinnington
Brookfield, Marton, Sinnington
Cherry Tree, Marton Road, Marton
Cherry Tree, Marton, Sinnington
Chestnut Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Chestnut House, Marton, Sinnington
Cumberland House, Marton, Sinnington
Fairview Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Greens View, Marton, Sinnington
Honeysuckle Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Joiners Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Lavender Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Linith Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Lonsdale, Marton, Sinnington
Marton Methodist Church, Marton, Sinnington
Merthorne, Marton, Sinnington
Millfield House, Marton, Sinnington
Mount Pleasant, Marton Road, Marton
Mount Pleasant, Marton, Sinnington
Oak Lea, Marton, Sinnington
Old Joiners Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Peter Garth, Marton, Sinnington
Potters Lodge, Marton, Sinnington
Providence Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Rise Lea, Marton, Sinnington
Riseborough Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Riverside, Marton, Sinnington
Rosedene, Marton, Sinnington
Rosegarth, Marton Road, Marton
Rye Cottage 2, Wildsmith Court, Marton Road, Marton
Rye Cottage 2, Wildsmith Court, Marton, Sinnington
Scholes Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
Stable Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
The Aspens, Marton, Sinnington
The Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
The Croft, Marton, Sinnington
The Newlands, Marton, Sinnington
The Pines, Marton Road, Marton
The Pines, Marton, Sinnington
The Stables 1, Wildsmith Court, Marton, Sinnington
Thread Gold House, Marton, Sinnington
Toad Hall, Marton, Sinnington
Tylers Barn, Marton, Sinnington
Wayside, Marton, Sinnington
West Grange, Marton, Sinnington
Westgarth, Marton, Sinnington
Wildsmith House, Marton, Sinnington
Willow House, Marton, Sinnington
Woodlands, Marton, Sinnington
1 Meadowfield, Marton, Sinnington
1 Wildsmith Court, Marton, Sinnington
2 Corner Cottage, Marton, Sinnington
3 Meadowfield, Marton, Sinnington
3 Wildsmith Court, Marton Road, Marton
4 Meadowfield, Marton, Sinnington
Main property type Detached
Latitude 54.239126
Longitude -0.876123
Easting 473345
Northing 483186
Grid reference SE733831
UTM reference 30U 638410 6012209
what3words marriage.mountains.stiletto
Plus code 9C6X64QF+MH
Altitude 31 metres (102 feet)
Sunrise (today) 8:25
Sunset (today) 15:47
Distance away
Distance to sea 30.2 KMs (18.7 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Kirkbymoorside & Dales E05014287
Unitary Authority North Yorkshire E06000065
County Electoral Division Pickering E58001081
County North Yorkshire E10000023
Constituency (2024) Thirsk and Malton E14001544
MPKevin HollinrakeConservative
Police forceNorth Yorkshire
Water companyYorkshire Water
NUTS/ITL 3 North Yorkshire CC
NUTS/ITL 2 North Yorkshire
NUTS/ITL 1 Yorkshire and The Humber
Country England E92000001
Date introduced June 1998
Last updated December 2024
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 136
Households (2011) 56
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
16,055 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanRural village in a sparse setting
Census output area (2021)E00141453
Census output area (2011)E00141453
Lower layer super output area (2021)Ryedale 001AE01027776
Lower layer super output area (2011)Ryedale 001AE01027776
Middle layer super output area (2021)Kirkbymoorside & MoorsE02005788
Middle layer super output area (2011)Kirkbymoorside & MoorsE02005788
Travel to work areaMaltonE30000238
Property sales
Average property price in York £252,732
Annual change -3.8%
View all properties sold in the YO postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Wildsmith House, Marton, SinningtonDetached (freehold)Sep 2024£865,000
Detached (freehold)Oct 2016£545,000
Old Joiners Cottage, Marton, SinningtonTerraced (freehold)Sep 2023£425,000
Terraced (freehold)Oct 2011£292,000
1 Wildsmith Court, Marton, SinningtonSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£215,000
Cherry Tree, Marton Road, MartonSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£288,050
1 Meadowfield, Marton, SinningtonSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£204,000
Semi-detached (freehold)May 2016£155,000
Ashview, Marton, SinningtonDetached (freehold)Jun 2022£475,000
Detached (freehold)Oct 2002£190,000
Westgarth, Marton, SinningtonDetached (freehold)May 2022£276,000
Detached (freehold)Dec 2010£175,000
Barn Cottage, Marton Road, MartonTerraced (freehold)Oct 2021£240,000
Rye Cottage 2, Wildsmith Court, Marton Road, MartonSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2021£168,750
3 Wildsmith Court, Marton Road, MartonSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2021£205,000

View all properties sold in the YO62 6 sector

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Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2024
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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