Postcode | YO17 8DB |
Post Town | Malton |
Nearest station | Malton (12 km) |
Bus stops |
Cranedale Centre (E)
Roads in this postcode | |
Number of UPRNs | 82 View |
Known addresses |
Beck Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe
Box Tree House, Kirby Grindalythe
Cherry Tree Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe
Low Farm House, Kirby Grindalythe
Smithy Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe
Steadings Lodge, Kirby Grindalythe
The Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe
The Gables, Kirby Grindalythe
The Old Chapel, Kirby Grindalythe
The Old Post Office, Kirby Grindalythe
The Old Vicarage, Kirby Grindalythe
Willow Ridge, Kirby Grindalythe
1 Church View, Kirby Grindalythe
1 East End Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe
2 Bankside Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe
3 Bankside Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe
3 East End Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe
4 Bankside Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe
Main property type | Semi-detached |
Businesses |
Latitude | 54.095327 | |
Longitude | -0.616211 | |
Easting | 490597 | |
Northing | 467488 | |
Grid reference | SE905674 | |
UTM reference | 30U 655885 5996755 | |
what3words | concerned.intruding.radiating | |
Plus code | 9C6X39WM+4G | |
Altitude | 103 metres (340 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:13 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:10 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 23.3 KMs (14.5 miles) |
Parish | Kirby Grindalythe | E04007594 |
Ward | Thornton Dale & Wolds | E05014328 |
Unitary Authority | North Yorkshire | E06000065 |
County Electoral Division | Thornton Dale and the Wolds | E58001103 |
County | North Yorkshire | E10000023 |
Constituency (2024) | Thirsk and Malton | E14001544 |
MP | Kevin Hollinrake | Conservative |
Police force | North Yorkshire | |
Water company | Yorkshire Water | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | North Yorkshire | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | North Yorkshire | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Country | England | E92000001 |
Date introduced | January 1980 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
Population (2011) | 79 | |
Households (2011) | 29 | |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020) |
Lowest (£22,200)
Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urban | Rural village | |
Census output area (2021) | E00141628 | |
Census output area (2011) | E00141628 | |
Lower layer super output area (2021) | Ryedale 004D | E01027803 |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | Ryedale 004D | E01027803 |
Middle layer super output area (2021) | Rillington & Sherburn | E02005791 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Rillington & Sherburn | E02005791 |
Travel to work area | Malton | E30000238 |
Average property price in York | £254,433 |
Annual change | -2.6% |
Address | Type | Date | Price |
1 East End Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe | Semi-detached (freehold) | Apr 2024 | £125,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Apr 1997 | £40,000 | |
Smithy Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe | Other (freehold) | Feb 2023 | £770,000 |
Cherry Tree Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe | Detached (freehold) | Oct 2022 | £520,000 |
Detached (freehold) | Jan 2015 | £250,000 | |
Steadings Lodge, Kirby Grindalythe | Detached (freehold) | Jun 2021 | £458,000 |
New build detached (freehold) | May 2013 | £357,000 | |
The Old Chapel, Kirby Grindalythe | Semi-detached (freehold) | Nov 2020 | £475,000 |
2 Bankside Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe | Terraced (freehold) | Oct 2020 | £170,000 |
Terraced (freehold) | Jun 2014 | £123,000 | |
4 Bankside Cottages, Kirby Grindalythe | Terraced (freehold) | Oct 2020 | £310,000 |
Terraced (freehold) | Aug 2010 | £205,000 | |
The Cottage, Kirby Grindalythe | Semi-detached (freehold) | Aug 2017 | £220,000 |
The Old Vicarage, Kirby Grindalythe | Detached (freehold) | May 2014 | £700,000 |
Detached (freehold) | Aug 1999 | £195,000 | |
Low Farm House, Kirby Grindalythe | New build detached (freehold) | Apr 2013 | £399,950 |