Map of TN28 8RN postcode

General information
Postcode TN28 8RN
Post Town New Romney
Nearest station Appledore (Kent) (13 km)
Bus stops
Romney Sands (S)
Seaview Road (N)
Seaview Road (S)
Baldwin Road (N)
Baldwin Road (S)
Derville Road (S)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 554 View
Known addresses
Chalet 1, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 105, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 106, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 107, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 108, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 110, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 113, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 135, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 136, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 137, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 138, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 139, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 143, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 144, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 145, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 146, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 15, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 152, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 209, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 210, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 211, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 24, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 25, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 26, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 28, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 30, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 37, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 39, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 42, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 44, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 46, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 47, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 50, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 54, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 55, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 70, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 86, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 87, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 89, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 91, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 93, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
Chalet 94, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, Greatstone
1 La Rocco, Greatstone
3 La Rocco, Greatstone
6 La Rocco, Greatstone
7 La Galamina, Greatstone
7 La Rocco, Greatstone
8 La Galamina, Greatstone
8 La Rocco, Greatstone
9 La Galamina, Greatstone
9 La Rocco, Greatstone
10 La Rocco, Greatstone
11 La Galamina, Greatstone
12 La Valenca, Greatstone
15 La Galamina, Greatstone
15 La Rocco, Greatstone
15 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
16 La Galamina, Greatstone
16 La Rocco, Greatstone
17 La Rocco, Greatstone
18 La Galamina, Greatstone
18 La Rocco, Greatstone
18 La Valenca, Greatstone
19 La Rocco, Greatstone
19 La Tausco, Greatstone
19 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
22 La Rocco, Greatstone
22 La Tausco, Greatstone
23 La Rocco, Greatstone
24 La Rocco, Greatstone
29 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
39 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
48 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
60 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
68 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
88 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
93 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
94 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
102 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
109 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
134 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
158 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
203 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
208 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
214 Romney Sands Holiday Village, Greatstone
Main property type Other
No businesses found
Latitude 50.959435
Longitude 0.963162
Easting 608189
Northing 121959
Grid reference TR081219
UTM reference 31U 356957 5647289
what3words kitten.shoelaces.actors
Plus code 9F22XX57+Q7
Altitude 4 metres (13 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:02
Sunset (today) 18:07
Distance away
Distance to sea 0.2 KMs (0.2 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Walland & Denge Marsh E05010027
Local Authority District Folkestone and Hythe E07000112
County Electoral Division Romney Marsh E58000727
Local Authority Kent E10000016
County Kent E10000016
Constituency (2024) Folkestone and Hythe E14001239
MPTony VaughanLabour
Police forceKent
Water companyAffinity Water
Sewage companySouthern Water
NUTS/ITL 3 East Kent
NUTS/ITL 1 South East
Country England E92000001
Date introduced January 1980
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 161
Households (2011) 106
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
13,611 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanRural village
Built up area (2024)Littlestone-on-SeaE63013307
Census output area (2021)E00124523
Census output area (2011)E00124523
Lower layer super output area (2021)Folkestone and Hythe 013AE01024532
Lower layer super output area (2011)Shepway 013AE01024532
Middle layer super output area (2021)Lydd & DungenessE02005114
Middle layer super output area (2011)Lydd & DungenessE02005114
Travel to work areaFolkestone and DoverE30000208
Property sales
Average property price in Tonbridge £386,185
Annual change -2.5%
View all properties sold in the TN postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Chalet 106, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Nov 2024£39,999
Chalet 15, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Mar 2024£16,000
Other (leasehold)Dec 2016£17,500
Chalet 108, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Oct 2023£32,000
Other (leasehold)Dec 2019£10,000
Chalet 70, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Sep 2023£16,000
Other (leasehold)Sep 2021£14,000
Chalet 145, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Sep 2023£36,500
Chalet 89, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Mar 2023£36,500
Chalet 135, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Nov 2022£30,100
Other (leasehold)Aug 2017£17,500
Chalet 146, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Oct 2022£38,500
Chalet 26, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Aug 2022£17,500
Other (leasehold)Nov 2017£13,000
Chalet 42, Romney Sand Holiday Village, The Parade, GreatstoneOther (leasehold)Jul 2022£16,500

View all properties sold in the TN28 8 sector

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Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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