Map of ST13 7FG postcode

General information
Postcode ST13 7FG
Post Town Leek
Nearest station Longton (12 km)
Bus stops
No nearby bus stops
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 75 View
Known addresses
Amsden Lodge, 121 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Amsden Lodge, 123 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Amsden Lodge, 125 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Amsden Lodge, 127 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 1, Boucher House, 71 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 1, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 1, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 1, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 1, Wilkins House, 85 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 1, Wilkins House, 87 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 2, Boucher House, 71 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 2, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 2, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 2, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 2, Wilkins House, 87 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 3, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 3, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 3, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 3, Wilkins House, 85 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 3, Wilkins House, 87 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 4, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 4, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 4, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 4, Wilkins House, 85 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 4, Wilkins House, 87 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 5, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 5, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 5, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 5, Wilkins House, 85 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 6, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 6, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 6, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 7, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 8, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Apartment 9, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 103 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 105 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 107 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 109 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 111 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 113 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 115 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 117 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 119 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 93 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 95 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Pebworth House, 97 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Water Tower, 61 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
61 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
63 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
65 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
67 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
69 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
73 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
75 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
77 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
79 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
83 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
89 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
91 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
129 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
131 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
133 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
135 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
137 Willow Drive, Cheddleton
Main property type Flat
Latitude 53.079366
Longitude -2.0421
Easting 397277
Northing 353572
Grid reference SJ972535
UTM reference 30U 564166 5881528
what3words perplexed.crank.scooter
Plus code 9C5V3XH5+P5
Altitude 165 metres (540 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:14
Sunset (today) 18:20
Distance away
Distance to sea 52.5 KMs (32.6 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Cheddleton E05007053
Local Authority District Staffordshire Moorlands E07000198
County Electoral Division Churnet Valley E58001356
Local Authority Staffordshire E10000028
County Staffordshire E10000028
Constituency (2024) Staffordshire Moorlands E14001514
MPDame Karen BradleyConservative
Police forceStaffordshire
Water companySevern Trent
NUTS/ITL 3 Staffordshire CC
NUTS/ITL 2 Shropshire and Staffordshire
NUTS/ITL 1 West Midlands
Country England E92000001
Date introduced May 2005
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 117
Households (2011) 67
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
23,060 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanRural village
Built up area (2024)CheddletonE63008949
Census output area (2021)E00172344
Census output area (2011)E00172344
Lower layer super output area (2021)Staffordshire Moorlands 006AE01029792
Lower layer super output area (2011)Staffordshire Moorlands 006AE01029792
Middle layer super output area (2021)Leek South & CheddletonE02006209
Middle layer super output area (2011)Leek South & CheddletonE02006209
Travel to work areaStoke-on-TrentE30000273
Nearby schools
Property sales
Average property price in Stoke-on-Trent £192,193
Annual change 0.6%
View all properties sold in the ST postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
89 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Dec 2024£140,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2007£119,312
73 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Dec 2024£150,000
New build flat (leasehold)May 2007£134,000
Apartment 3, Wilkins House, 87 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Nov 2024£100,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2020£85,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2016£76,500
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2007£100,062
Apartment 2, Martin House, 59 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Nov 2024£90,000
Flat (leasehold)May 2016£71,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2005£108,000
Apartment 2, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Sep 2024£100,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2018£78,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2008£80,000
75 Willow Drive, CheddletonTerraced (leasehold)Aug 2024£215,000
Terraced (leasehold)Apr 2021£212,000
Terraced (leasehold)Aug 2016£200,000
Terraced (leasehold)Oct 2010£172,000
New build terraced (leasehold)Jun 2006£179,950
Pebworth House, 119 Willow Drive, CheddletonDetached (leasehold)Apr 2024£135,000
New build flat (leasehold)Jun 2008£130,000
Apartment 5, Martin House, 57 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Apr 2024£103,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2022£88,000
Flat (leasehold)Jan 2013£75,000
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2005£125,950
New build flat (leasehold)Jun 2005£125,950
Apartment 6, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Feb 2024£117,000
Flat (leasehold)Apr 2011£112,500
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2007£129,950
Apartment 8, Denmark House, 81 Willow Drive, CheddletonFlat (leasehold)Dec 2023£107,500
Flat (leasehold)May 2008£94,501

View all properties sold in the ST13 7 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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