Map of SA15 4RN postcode

General information
Postcode SA15 4RN
Post Town Llanelli
Nearest station Pembrey and Burry Port (3 km)
Bus stops
Dythel Park (SE)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 30 View
Known addresses
Ael Y Bryn, Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
Blaen-Y-Cwm, Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
Bro Dawel, Heol Ddu, Llanelli
Danybryn, Heol Ddu, Llanelli
Furzeland, Heol Ddu, Llanelli
Graigog, Heol Ddu, Llanelli
Graigog, Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
Greygables, Heol Ddu, Llanelli
Gwelfor, Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
Peace Haven, Heol Ddu, Llanelli
Penrhiw Cottage, Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
Trem Y Wawr, Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
7 Heol Ddu, Llanelli
15 Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
15A Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
16 Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
17 Heol Ddu, Llanelli
19 Heol Ddu, Llanelli
19 Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
19 Trimsaran Road, Pen Y Mynydd
21 Heol Ddu, Llanelli
21 Heol Ddu, Pen Y Mynydd
Main property type Detached
No businesses found
Latitude 51.710932
Longitude -4.226713
Easting 246253
Northing 203703
Grid reference SN462037
UTM reference 30U 415245 5729600
what3words fatigued.crossing.verges
Plus code 9C3QPQ6F+98
Altitude 158 metres (518 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:25
Sunset (today) 18:27
Distance away
Distance to sea 3.1 KMs (1.9 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Trimsaran W05001224
Unitary Authority Carmarthenshire W06000010
County Dyfed W11000002
Constituency (2024) Llanelli W07000098
MPDame Nia GriffithLabour
Police forceDyfed-Powys
Water companyDwr Cymru Welsh Water
NUTS/ITL 3 South West Wales
NUTS/ITL 2 Mid and South West Wales
NUTS/ITL 1 Wales
Country Wales W92000004
Date introduced January 1980
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 55
Households (2011) 22
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
543 / 1,909
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanRural village
Census output area (2021)W00003910
Census output area (2011)W00003910
Lower layer super output area (2021)Carmarthenshire 018DW01000730
Lower layer super output area (2011)Carmarthenshire 018DW01000730
Middle layer super output area (2021)Cydweli & TrimsaranW02000159
Middle layer super output area (2011)Cydweli & TrimsaranW02000159
Travel to work areaLlanelliW22000028
Property sales
Average property price in Swansea £193,987
Annual change 2.5%
View all properties sold in the SA postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Gwelfor, Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Feb 2023£480,000
15A Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Dec 2022£557,589
Graigog, Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Nov 2022£105,000
21 Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Oct 2022£400,000
Penrhiw Cottage, Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Sep 2018£150,000
19 Trimsaran Road, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Mar 2018£167,000
Blaen-Y-Cwm, Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddOther (freehold)Feb 2018£179,000
Ael Y Bryn, Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddSemi-detached (freehold)Dec 2017£39,950
15 Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Sep 2014£115,000
19 Heol Ddu, Pen Y MynyddDetached (freehold)Apr 2014£190,000

View all properties sold in the SA15 4 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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