Map of S65 1AX postcode No longer in use

General information
Postcode S65 1AX
Post Town Rotherham
Nearest station Rotherham Central (0 km)
Bus stops
Wellgate/Doncaster Gate (S)
Doncaster Gate/Percy Street (W)
Wellgate/Quarry Hill (N)
Wharncliffe Street/Eastwood Lane (SE)
Rotherham Interchange/A10 ()
Rotherham Interchange/A9 ()
Known addresses
Apartment 103, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 104, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 110, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 111, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 112, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 114, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 128, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 202, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 203, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 209, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 210, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 211, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 212, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 215, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 223, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 302, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 303, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 304, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 306, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 309, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 310, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 311, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 312, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 313, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 314, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 315, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 316, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 317, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 320, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 326, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 403, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 404, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 406, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 409, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 410, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 411, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 412, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 415, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 417, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 419, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 420, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 421, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 422, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 426, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 427, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 428, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 429, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 433, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 435, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 436, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 438, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Apartment 439, Howard Building, Howard Street, Rotherham
Main property type Flat
No businesses found
Latitude 53.431482
Longitude -1.35435
Easting 442995
Northing 392938
Grid reference SK429929
UTM reference 30U 609331 5921532
what3words straw.pads.vanish
Plus code 9C5WCJJW+H7
Altitude 39 metres (129 feet)
Sunrise (today) 8:22
Sunset (today) 15:53
Distance away
Distance to sea 51.7 KMs (32.1 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishRotherham, unparished areaE43000172
Ward Boston Castle E05012996
Metropolitan District Rotherham E08000018
County South Yorkshire E11000016
Constituency (2024) Rotherham E14001452
MPSarah ChampionLabour
Police forceSouth Yorkshire
NUTS/ITL 3 Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham
NUTS/ITL 2 South Yorkshire
NUTS/ITL 1 Yorkshire and The Humber
Country England E92000001
Date introduced February 2003
Date usage ended March 2016
Last updated December 2024
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
893 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban minor conurbation
Built up area (2024)RotherhamE63008458
Census output area (2021)E00168755
Census output area (2011)E00168755
Lower layer super output area (2021)Rotherham 017BE01007714
Lower layer super output area (2011)Rotherham 017BE01007714
Middle layer super output area (2021)Rotherham CentralE02001594
Middle layer super output area (2011)Rotherham CentralE02001594
Travel to work areaSheffieldE30000261
Property sales
Average property price in Sheffield £191,412
Annual change -2.4%
View all properties sold in the S postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Apartment 404, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)Sep 2016£52,262
Apartment 315, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£58,500
Apartment 429, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£48,925
Apartment 314, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£71,585
Apartment 104, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£43,775
Apartment 302, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£60,255
Apartment 203, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£55,620
Apartment 317, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£60,255
Apartment 403, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)May 2016£48,925
Apartment 436, Howard Building, Howard Street, RotherhamFlat (leasehold)Apr 2016£48,925

View all properties sold in the S65 1 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2024
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2024
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2024
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license