Postcode | NE39 1DT |
Post Town | Rowlands Gill |
Nearest station | Blaydon (6 km) |
Bus stops |
Stathmore Road (W)
Dipwood Road-Orchard Road (NE)
Smailes Lane-Pipe Bridge (W)
Dipwood Road-Riverside Way (SW)
Smailes Lane-Stewartsfield (E)
Dipwood Road-Bowes Lyon Close (NE)
Roads in this postcode | |
Number of UPRNs | 16 View |
Known addresses |
Beech Hollow, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
Burnaby House, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
Engleberg, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
Glendale, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
Marsden House, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
The Spinney, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
Treetops, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill
Main property type | Detached |
Businesses |
Latitude | 54.918286 | |
Longitude | -1.753652 | |
Easting | 415889 | |
Northing | 558204 | |
Grid reference | NZ158582 | |
UTM reference | 30U 579886 6086409 | |
what3words | weedy.tripled.mountains | |
Plus code | 9C6WW69W+8G | |
Altitude | 64 metres (209 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:15 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:17 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 22.9 KMs (14.2 miles) |
Parish | Gateshead, unparished area | E43000229 |
Ward | Chopwell and Rowlands Gill | E05009313 |
Metropolitan District | Gateshead | E08000037 |
County | Tyne and Wear | E11000017 |
Constituency (2024) | Blaydon and Consett | E14001106 |
MP | Liz Twist | Labour |
Police force | Northumbria | |
Water company | Northumbrian Water | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | Tyneside | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | Northumberland, Durham and Tyne & Wear | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | North East | |
Country | England | E92000001 |
Date introduced | January 1980 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
Population (2011) | 29 | |
Households (2011) | 12 | |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020) |
Lowest (£22,200)
Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urban | Rural town and fringe | |
Built up area (2024) | Rowlands Gill | E63007211 |
Census output area (2021) | E00041504 | |
Census output area (2011) | E00041504 | |
Lower layer super output area (2021) | Gateshead 022A | E01008184 |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | Gateshead 022A | E01008184 |
Middle layer super output area (2021) | Rowlands Gill & Lockhaugh | E02001703 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Rowlands Gill & Lockhaugh | E02001703 |
Travel to work area | Newcastle | E30000245 |
Average property price in Newcastle upon Tyne | £184,225 |
Annual change | -1.8% |
Address | Type | Date | Price |
The Spinney, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Detached (freehold) | Mar 2021 | £435,000 |
Detached (freehold) | Jun 2011 | £385,000 | |
Detached (freehold) | Sep 2004 | £396,000 | |
Engleberg, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Semi-detached (freehold) | Mar 2019 | £222,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | May 2011 | £153,500 | |
Glendale, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Detached (freehold) | Feb 2019 | £224,000 |
Marsden House, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Detached (freehold) | Nov 2013 | £165,000 |
Detached (freehold) | Feb 2009 | £135,000 | |
Treetops, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Semi-detached (freehold) | Jun 2013 | £125,000 |
Burnaby House, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Detached (freehold) | Jan 2006 | £405,000 |
Beech Hollow, Wingrove, Rowlands Gill | Detached (freehold) | Mar 1995 | £125,000 |