Map of HP13 5HF postcode

General information
Postcode HP13 5HF
Post Town High Wycombe
Nearest station High Wycombe (2 km)
Bus stops
Terriers Farm (S)
Chadwick Street (NW)
Chadwick Street (SE)
Kingshill Road (W)
Kingshill Road (E)
Crossroads (NE)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 99 View
Known addresses
1 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
3 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
5 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
9 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
11 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
15 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
17 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
28 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
30 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
32 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
34 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
36 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
37 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
38 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
39 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
40 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
41 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
42 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
43 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
44 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
45 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
46 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
47 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
48 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
49 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
50 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
51 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
53 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
55 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
57 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
59 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
61 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
63 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
65 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
67 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
69 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
71 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
73 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
75 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
77 Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
79 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
81 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
83 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
87 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
89 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
91 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
93 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High Wycombe
Main property type Terraced
Latitude 51.647074
Longitude -0.736241
Easting 487536
Northing 195009
Grid reference SU875950
UTM reference 30U 656618 5724212
what3words tasty.likes.suffer
Plus code 9C3XJ7W7+RG
Altitude 174 metres (572 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:11
Sunset (today) 18:13
Distance away
Distance to sea 82.1 KMs (51 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishBuckinghamshire, unparished areaE43000275
Ward Terriers and Amersham Hill E05013160
Unitary Authority Buckinghamshire E06000060
County Buckinghamshire E10000002
Constituency (2024) Wycombe E14001600
MPEmma ReynoldsLabour
Police forceThames Valley
Water companyThames Water
NUTS/ITL 3 Buckinghamshire
NUTS/ITL 2 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
NUTS/ITL 1 South East
Country England E92000001
Date introduced September 2011
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
19,651 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban city and town
Built up area (2024)High WycombeE63011847
Census output area (2021)E00178422
Census output area (2011)E00090419
Lower layer super output area (2021)Buckinghamshire 041CE01017922
Lower layer super output area (2011)Wycombe 008CE01017922
Middle layer super output area (2021)Terriers & Amersham HillE02003703
Middle layer super output area (2011)Terriers & Amersham HillE02003703
Travel to work areaHigh Wycombe and AylesburyE30000218
Property sales
Average property price in Hemel Hempstead £445,052
Annual change 0.5%
View all properties sold in the HP postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
87 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Oct 2024£268,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2019£247,500
New build flat (leasehold)Jan 2013£182,000
43 Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeSemi-detached (freehold)Jul 2024£412,500
Semi-detached (freehold)Apr 2019£325,000
New build semi-detached (freehold)Sep 2012£250,000
39 Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeTerraced (freehold)May 2024£468,000
Terraced (freehold)Feb 2019£418,000
New build terraced (freehold)Nov 2012£312,500
79 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Mar 2024£195,000
Flat (leasehold)Dec 2019£200,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2012£160,000
83 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Jan 2023£215,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 2019£195,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2017£225,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2012£168,000
81 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Dec 2022£285,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2019£265,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 2015£239,950
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2012£200,000
15 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Nov 2022£94,500
5 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Jul 2022£272,000
91 Widmer House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)May 2022£270,000
Flat (leasehold)Jun 2017£260,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2012£178,000
1 Principle House, Wellesbourne Crescent, High WycombeFlat (leasehold)Mar 2022£127,500

View all properties sold in the HP13 5 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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