Map of E14 0WX postcode

General information
Postcode E14 0WX
Post Town London
Nearest station Canning Town (1 km)
Bus stops
Brunel Street (N)
George Street (E16) (S)
Canning Town (N)
Canning Town (S)
Jude Street (W)
London travel zone3
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 60 View
Known addresses
Flat 115, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 116, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 117, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 119, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 120, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 121, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 122, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 123, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 124, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 215, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 216, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 217, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 218, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 219, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 220, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 221, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 222, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 223, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 224, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 315, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 316, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 317, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 318, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 319, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 320, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 321, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 322, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 323, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 324, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 411, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 412, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 413, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 414, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 416, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 417, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 418, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 419, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 420, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 511, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 512, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 513, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 514, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 515, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 516, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 517, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 518, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 608, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 609, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 610, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 611, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 706, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 707, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 708, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 709, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, London
Flat 807, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, London
Main property type Flat
Latitude 51.508268
Longitude 0.006775
Easting 539365
Northing 180724
Grid reference TQ393807
UTM reference 31U 292290 5710596
what3words pushy.gain.casual
Plus code 9F32G254+8P
Altitude 4 metres (13 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:13
Sunset (today) 18:06
Distance away
Distance to sea 28.6 KMs (17.8 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishTower Hamlets, unparished areaE43000220
Ward Blackwall & Cubitt Town E05009318
London Borough Tower Hamlets E09000030
County Greater London E11000009
Constituency (2024) Poplar and Limehouse E14001430
MPApsana BegumLabour
Police forceMetropolitan Police
NUTS/ITL 3 Tower Hamlets
NUTS/ITL 2 Inner London - East
NUTS/ITL 1 London
Country England E92000001
Date introduced June 2020
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
16,614 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban major conurbation
Built up area (2024)Tower HamletsE63012023
Census output area (2021)E00184046
Census output area (2011)E00167127
Lower layer super output area (2021)Tower Hamlets 034CE01035702
Lower layer super output area (2011)Tower Hamlets 028GE01032778
Middle layer super output area (2021)LeamouthE02007112
Middle layer super output area (2011)Blackwall & LeamouthE02000891
Travel to work areaLondonE30000234
Property sales
Average property price in East London £504,507
Annual change 0.0%
View all properties sold in the E postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Flat 217, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, LondonFlat (leasehold)Oct 2024£640,000
New build flat (leasehold)Jun 2020£668,160
Flat 220, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, LondonFlat (leasehold)Sep 2023£497,500
New build flat (leasehold)Aug 2020£493,000
Flat 216, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, LondonFlat (leasehold)Mar 2023£500,000
New build flat (leasehold)Sep 2020£485,280
Flat 807, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, LondonNew build flat (leasehold)Jun 2022£1,780,000
Flat 122, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, LondonNew build flat (leasehold)Jan 2022£925,000
Flat 123, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, LondonNew build flat (leasehold)Nov 2021£1,115,000
Flat 116, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, LondonFlat (leasehold)Aug 2021£500,000
New build flat (leasehold)Jun 2020£500,175
Flat 320, Agar House 79 Orchard Place, LondonNew build flat (leasehold)Jul 2021£490,080
Flat 419, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, LondonNew build flat (leasehold)Jun 2021£1,041,075
Flat 119, Agar House, 79 Orchard Place, LondonNew build flat (leasehold)Jun 2021£697,500

View all properties sold in the E14 0 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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