Map of CF14 0AN postcode

General information
Postcode CF14 0AN
Post Town Cardiff
Nearest station Llanishen (1 km)
Bus stops
Cenotaph (NE)
Church (SE)
Church (NW)
Lodge (SW)
Lodge (NE)
Post Office (NE)
Number of UPRNs 61 View
Known addresses
11 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
21 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
26 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
27 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
28 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
29 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
30 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
31 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
32 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
33 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
34 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
35 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
36 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
38 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
39 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
40 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
41 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
42 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
43 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
44 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
45 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
46 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
47 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
49 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
51 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
52 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
54 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
55 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
56 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
57 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
58 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
59 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
60 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
61 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
62 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
63 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
64 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
65 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
66 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
67 Tir Y Bar, Lisvane
Main property type Detached
No businesses found
Latitude 51.538389
Longitude -3.165264
Easting 319279
Northing 182809
Grid reference ST192828
UTM reference 30U 488538 5709711
Plus code 9C3RGRQM+9V
Altitude 101 metres (333 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:23
Sunset (today) 18:21
Distance away
Distance to sea 6.2 KMs (3.9 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Lisvane and Thornhill W05001281
Unitary Authority Cardiff W06000015
County South Glamorgan W11000007
Constituency (2024) Cardiff North W07000090
MPAnna McMorrinLabour
Police forceSouth Wales
NUTS/ITL 3 Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
NUTS/ITL 2 South East Wales
NUTS/ITL 1 Wales
Country Wales W92000004
Date introduced November 2021
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
1,827 / 1,909
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban city and town
Built up area (2024)CardiffW45001208
Census output area (2021)W00009181
Census output area (2011)W00009181
Lower layer super output area (2021)Cardiff 001AW01001777
Lower layer super output area (2011)Cardiff 001AW01001777
Middle layer super output area (2021)LisvaneW02000367
Middle layer super output area (2011)LisvaneW02000367
Travel to work areaCardiffW22000024
Property sales
Average property price in Cardiff £216,189
Annual change 2.0%
View all properties sold in the CF postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
49 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Jul 2023£605,995
44 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Jun 2023£859,995
46 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Jun 2023£605,995
42 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Jun 2023£535,000
43 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Jun 2023£555,995
45 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Jun 2023£595,995
41 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)May 2023£556,995
62 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)May 2023£477,995
39 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Apr 2023£605,995
58 Tir Y Bar, LisvaneNew build detached (freehold)Apr 2023£414,995

View all properties sold in the CF14 0 sector

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license