Postcode | BD23 1BB |
Post Town | Skipton |
Nearest station | Skipton (2 km) |
Bus stops |
Kingsway (NE)
Regent Crescent (SE)
Kingsway (SW)
Overdale Park (W)
Overdale Park (E)
Pasture Close (SE)
Roads in this postcode | |
Number of UPRNs | 46 View |
Known addresses |
45 Regent Drive, Skipton
47 Regent Drive, Skipton
49 Regent Drive, Skipton
51 Regent Drive, Skipton
53 Regent Drive, Skipton
54 Regent Drive, Skipton
55 Regent Drive, Skipton
57 Regent Drive, Skipton
59 Regent Drive, Skipton
61 Regent Drive, Skipton
63 Regent Drive, Skipton
64 Regent Drive, Skipton
65 Regent Drive, Skipton
68 Regent Drive, Skipton
69 Regent Drive, Skipton
70 Regent Drive, Skipton
71 Regent Drive, Skipton
72 Regent Drive, Skipton
73 Regent Drive, Skipton
74 Regent Drive, Skipton
76 Regent Drive, Skipton
77 Regent Drive, Skipton
78 Regent Drive, Skipton
80 Regent Drive, Skipton
82 Regent Drive, Skipton
83 Regent Drive, Skipton
84 Regent Drive, Skipton
88 Regent Drive, Skipton
94 Regent Drive, Skipton
Main property type | Semi-detached |
Businesses |
Latitude | 53.965303 | |
Longitude | -2.002906 | |
Easting | 399907 | |
Northing | 452136 | |
Grid reference | SD999521 | |
UTM reference | 30U 565412 5980121 | |
what3words | retaliate.fulfilled.cheek | |
Plus code | 9C5VXX8W+4R | |
Altitude | 133 metres (438 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:14 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:19 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 54.5 KMs (33.9 miles) |
Parish | Skipton | E04012269 |
Ward | Skipton East & South | E05014319 |
Unitary Authority | North Yorkshire | E06000065 |
County Electoral Division | Skipton East | E58001093 |
County | North Yorkshire | E10000023 |
Constituency (2024) | Skipton and Ripon | E14001475 |
MP | Sir Julian Smith | Conservative |
Police force | North Yorkshire | |
Water company | Yorkshire Water | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | North Yorkshire | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | North Yorkshire | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Country | England | E92000001 |
Date introduced | January 1980 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
Population (2011) | 109 | |
Households (2011) | 42 | |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020) |
Lowest (£22,200)
Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urban | Urban city and town | |
Built up area (2024) | Skipton | E63007713 |
Census output area (2021) | E00140372 | |
Census output area (2011) | E00140372 | |
Lower layer super output area (2021) | Craven 005A | E01027574 |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | Craven 005A | E01027574 |
Middle layer super output area (2021) | Skipton Town & East | E02005746 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Skipton Town & East | E02005746 |
Travel to work area | Skipton | E30000039 |
Average property price in Bradford | £175,534 |
Annual change | 2.6% |
Address | Type | Date | Price |
45 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Feb 2024 | £405,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Aug 2020 | £225,000 | |
49 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | May 2021 | £200,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Oct 1995 | £50,000 | |
51 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Apr 2021 | £265,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Dec 2017 | £213,500 | |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Dec 2014 | £212,000 | |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Nov 2009 | £173,000 | |
71 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Mar 2021 | £261,500 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Oct 2007 | £229,000 | |
54 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Oct 2020 | £339,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | May 1995 | £78,000 | |
47 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Jan 2018 | £216,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Sep 1996 | £67,500 | |
77 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Sep 2017 | £200,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Aug 2013 | £185,000 | |
94 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Apr 2017 | £235,000 |
80 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Dec 2016 | £217,500 |
63 Regent Drive, Skipton | Semi-detached (freehold) | Aug 2016 | £220,000 |