Map of B72 1QB postcode

General information
Postcode B72 1QB
Post Town Sutton Coldfield
Nearest station Sutton Coldfield (0 km)
Bus stops
Gracechurch Shopping Centre (SE)
Sutton Library (NW)
Trinity Church (S)
Sutton Parade (SE)
Trinity Hill (N)
Midland Drive (E)
Number of UPRNs 67 View
Known addresses
Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
101 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
102 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
103 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
104 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
105 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
106 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
107 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
108 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
109 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
201 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
202 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
203 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
204 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
205 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
206 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
207 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
301 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
302 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
303 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
304 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
305 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
306 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
307 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
401 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
402 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
403 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
404 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
406 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
407 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
501 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
502 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
503 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
504 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
505 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
506 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
507 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
601 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
602 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
603 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
604 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
605 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
606 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
607 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
701 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
702 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
703 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
704 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
705 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
706 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
707 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
801 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
802 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
803 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
804 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
805 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
806 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
901 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
902 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
903 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
904 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
905 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
906 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton Coldfield
Main property type Flat
Latitude 52.563669
Longitude -1.823868
Easting 412037
Northing 296219
Grid reference SP120962
UTM reference 30U 579722 5824383
what3words divisions.seated.feared
Plus code 9C4WH57G+FF
Altitude 122 metres (400 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:23
Sunset (today) 18:12
Distance away
Distance to sea 102.6 KMs (63.7 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishSutton ColdfieldE04012653
Ward Sutton Trinity E05011178
Metropolitan District Birmingham E08000025
County West Midlands E11000018
Constituency (2024) Sutton Coldfield E14001535
MPMr Andrew MitchellConservative
Police forceWest Midlands
NUTS/ITL 3 Birmingham
NUTS/ITL 2 West Midlands
NUTS/ITL 1 West Midlands
Country England E92000001
Date introduced January 2020
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
11,470 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban major conurbation
Built up area (2024)Royal Sutton ColdfieldE63009880
Census output area (2021)E00186209
Census output area (2011)E00047879
Lower layer super output area (2021)Birmingham 009AE01009449
Lower layer super output area (2011)Birmingham 009AE01009449
Middle layer super output area (2021)Sutton Coldfield South & CentralE02001835
Middle layer super output area (2011)Sutton Coldfield South & CentralE02001835
Travel to work areaBirminghamE30000169
Property sales
Average property price in Birmingham £249,032
Annual change -0.2%
View all properties sold in the B postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
103 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£200,000
104 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£225,000
202 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£225,000
203 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£225,000
303 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£225,000
304 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£220,000
404 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£220,000
506 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£235,000
607 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£160,000
903 Knights House, 4 Parade, Sutton ColdfieldNew build flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£295,000

View all properties sold in the B72 1 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
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Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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