Property sales in TA15 postcode district - page 5 Somerset

This is a map and list of properties recently sold in the TA15 postcode district in the UK covering the areas of Montacute, Somerset, based on the records of the Land Registry

Prices and sales

24 Townsend, Montacute, TA15 6XHTerraced (freehold)Feb 1999£55,000
Appledore, Townsend, Montacute, TA15 6XHTerraced (freehold)Jan 1999£80,000
11 The Borough, Montacute, TA15 6XBSemi-detached (freehold)Dec 1998£92,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jul 1997£89,950
Orchardlea, Bishopston, Montacute, TA15 6UUDetached (freehold)Aug 1998£125,000
Detached (freehold)Feb 1995£110,000
The Cottage, Station Road, Montacute, TA15 6ULDetached (freehold)Jul 1998£210,000
The Roundhouse, Bishopston, Montacute, TA15 6UUDetached (freehold)Jul 1998£192,000
41 Bishopston, Montacute, TA15 6UXTerraced (freehold)Jun 1998£126,000
33 Yeovil Road, Montacute, TA15 6XGTerraced (freehold)Nov 1997£50,000
Vine Cottage, Townsend, Montacute, TA15 6XHDetached (freehold)Nov 1997£90,000
Detached (freehold)Feb 1997£85,000
9 Hyde Road, Montacute, TA15 6UWSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 1997£47,500
20 St Michaels View, Montacute, TA15 6UJSemi-detached (freehold)Jul 1997£50,000
1 Batemore Barn, Park Lane, Montacute, TA15 6XNNew build semi-detached (freehold)Jun 1997£157,000
11 Lower Hyde Road, Montacute, TA15 6URSemi-detached (freehold)Nov 1996£20,400
16 The Borough, Montacute, TA15 6XBTerraced (freehold)Oct 1996£90,000
9 Parkview, Montacute, TA15 6XWTerraced (freehold)Jun 1996£23,680
3A South Street, Montacute, TA15 6XDSemi-detached (freehold)Feb 1996£80,000
Myrtle Farm, Back Lane, Montacute, TA15 6XFDetached (leasehold)Jul 1995£175,000
11 Yeovil Road, Montacute, TA15 6XGTerraced (freehold)May 1995£61,000

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


The average price shown is the geometric mean which multiplies all sales prices together then takes the square root. This should reduce the impact of sales of very expensive houses.
No adjustments are made for seasonal variations, so average prices will not match the Land Registry's own figures
Sales in the final month are always lower than earlier months, due to that month's data not being complete.