Property sales in HR1 postcode district - page 27 Hereford

This is a map and list of properties recently sold in the HR1 postcode district in the UK covering the areas of Hereford city centre, based on the records of the Land Registry

Prices and sales

18 St James Road, Hereford, HR1 2QSSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£310,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Feb 2009£140,000
2 Sycamore Close, Bodenham, HR1 3HGDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£455,000
New build detached (freehold)Dec 2002£240,000
Copper Beeches, Sutton St Nicholas, HR1 3AYDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£886,523
Detached (freehold)Apr 2022£475,000
Detached (freehold)May 1998£158,000
How Caple House, How Caple, HR1 4SYDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£716,000
Scrumpy Cottage, Shelwick, HR1 3AWOther (freehold)Sep 2022£30,000
105 Quarry Road, Hereford, HR1 1SUSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£333,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2013£182,750
11 Hampton Street, Hereford, HR1 2RAFlat (leasehold)Sep 2022£175,000
Flat (leasehold)Jan 2003£75,000
29 Pilley Road, Hereford, HR1 1NBSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£286,000
3 Loder Drive, Hereford, HR1 1DSDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£265,000
31 Mantella Drive, Hereford, HR1 1FBDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£475,000
New build detached (freehold)Jul 2018£409,995
320 Ledbury Road, Hereford, HR1 1QNSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£335,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Mar 2004£169,500
Flat, 5 Wye Way, Hereford, HR1 2NPFlat (leasehold)Sep 2022£136,950
Flat (leasehold)Jan 2015£107,500
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2004£125,000
Priors Court Bungalow, Dormington, HR1 4ERDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£390,000
Apartment 11, The Point, 50 - 52 Aylestone Hill, Hereford, HR1 1GWFlat (leasehold)Sep 2022£262,000
Flat (leasehold)Feb 2008£270,000
Station House, Dinmore, HR1 3JPDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£725,000
Detached (freehold)Mar 2019£475,000
Detached (freehold)Mar 2006£250,000
The Steppes, Withington, HR1 3PZOther (freehold)Sep 2022£560,000
Volkswagen Uk Limited, Centurion Way, Hereford, HR1 1LQOther (freehold)Sep 2022£4,952,315
46 Bodenham Road, Hereford, HR1 2TSDetached (leasehold)Sep 2022£200,000
Detached (leasehold)Jul 2014£127,000
Flat (leasehold)Apr 2012£118,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2000£60,000
Flat (leasehold)Jan 1996£29,000
6 Burrows Court, Hereford, HR1 2SNFlat (leasehold)Sep 2022£171,000
Semi-detached (leasehold)Oct 2013£127,500
Flat (leasehold)Dec 2011£120,000
Terraced (leasehold)Nov 2007£170,000
New build semi-detached (leasehold)Aug 2005£93,500
New build terraced (leasehold)Aug 1999£63,500
Flat 2, 62 Commercial Street, Hereford, HR1 2DJFlat (leasehold)Sep 2022£130,000
Hillcrest, Sollers Hope, HR1 4RLDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£1,605,000
Detached (freehold)Jun 2015£350,000
3 Malvern Place, Bartestree, HR1 4AUDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£395,000
Detached (freehold)May 2005£250,000
Detached (freehold)Jul 2004£245,000
Detached (freehold)Oct 1999£119,500
Detached (freehold)Mar 1998£99,950
Detached (freehold)May 1997£96,000
New build detached (freehold)Jul 1995£89,950
34 Queensway, Hereford, HR1 1HFSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£240,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2007£167,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Sep 1997£48,500
19 Geoffrey Avenue, Hereford, HR1 1BZSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£283,500
Semi-detached (freehold)Mar 2007£237,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jul 2001£125,000
4 Park Close, Hereford, HR1 1LBSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 2022£285,000
53 Park Street, Hereford, HR1 2RDTerraced (freehold)Sep 2022£264,500
6 Ledbury Court, Hereford, HR1 2SHTerraced (freehold)Sep 2022£215,000
Terraced (freehold)Dec 2007£179,950
Flat 3, 64 Bodenham Road, Hereford, HR1 2TSFlat (leasehold)Aug 2022£165,000
Flat (leasehold)May 2019£140,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2014£94,000
19 Mill Street, Hereford, HR1 2NXTerraced (freehold)Aug 2022£310,000
Terraced (freehold)Aug 2003£115,000
Terraced (freehold)Aug 2001£76,000
Terraced (freehold)Oct 1995£20,000
11 Grenfell Road, Hereford, HR1 2QRSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£166,000
11 Hagley Park, Bartestree, HR1 4DBTerraced (freehold)Aug 2022£270,000
Terraced (freehold)Dec 2001£79,000
111 Queensway, Hereford, HR1 1HQSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£208,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Dec 2018£125,000
18 Dormington Drive, Hereford, HR1 1SASemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£405,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Aug 2018£282,000
190 Ledbury Road, Hereford, HR1 1RHSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£315,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Aug 2019£239,000
27 Foley Street, Hereford, HR1 2SGTerraced (freehold)Aug 2022£210,000
Terraced (freehold)Sep 2015£120,000
31 St Paul Road, Hereford, HR1 1SRSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£260,000
31 Sufton Rise, Mordiford, HR1 4ENSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 2022£220,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2011£142,500
Semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2007£155,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jan 2002£84,000
Flat 4, Madonna House, 31 St James Road, Hereford, HR1 2QSFlat (leasehold)Aug 2022£122,500
9 Pilley Road, Hereford, HR1 1NAOther (leasehold)Aug 2022£168,500
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2019£142,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2007£139,000
Flat (leasehold)Apr 2003£85,000
Pearmain House, Marden, HR1 3EWDetached (freehold)Aug 2022£485,000
Other (freehold)Sep 2020£396,000

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


The average price shown is the geometric mean which multiplies all sales prices together then takes the square root. This should reduce the impact of sales of very expensive houses.
No adjustments are made for seasonal variations, so average prices will not match the Land Registry's own figures
Sales in the final month are always lower than earlier months, due to that month's data not being complete.