Property sales in CB24 postcode district - page 258 Cambridge

This is a map and list of properties recently sold in the CB24 postcode district in the UK covering the areas of Histon, Impington, Oakington, Longstanton, Willingham, Swavesey, Over, Fen Drayton, Milton, Rampton, Cottenham, Cambridge, based on the records of the Land Registry

Prices and sales

23 Harlestones Road, Cottenham, CB24 8TRSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 1999£93,000
28 Church End, Rampton, CB24 8QASemi-detached (freehold)Sep 1999£99,000
34 Wilkin Walk, Cottenham, CB24 8TSTerraced (freehold)Sep 1999£73,950
Terraced (freehold)May 1996£55,000
36 Lee Close, Cottenham, CB24 8AGNew build detached (freehold)Sep 1999£124,000
56 Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham, CB24 8XWNew build terraced (freehold)Sep 1999£88,500
8 Cromwell Park, Over, CB24 5PXDetached (freehold)Sep 1999£106,000
4 Lambs Row, Cottenham, CB24 8TDTerraced (freehold)Sep 1999£69,995
Terraced (freehold)May 1998£59,995
45 Park Avenue, Histon, CB24 9JUSemi-detached (freehold)Sep 1999£120,000
34 Windmill Lane, Histon, CB24 9JFFlat (leasehold)Aug 1999£75,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 1998£72,500
Old Orchard, Burgoynes Road, Impington, CB24 9NBDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£247,000
251 The Rowans, Milton, CB24 6ZATerraced (freehold)Aug 1999£78,000
Terraced (freehold)Nov 1996£58,000
27 Coles Road, Milton, CB24 6BLSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 1999£89,000
4 Vermuyden Way, Fen Drayton, CB24 4TASemi-detached (freehold)Aug 1999£74,500
14 Cherry Close, Milton, CB24 6BZFlat (leasehold)Aug 1999£69,500
Flat (leasehold)May 1998£53,000
57 The Sycamores, Milton, CB24 6XJTerraced (freehold)Aug 1999£62,000
8 James Carlton Close, Milton, CB24 6BESemi-detached (freehold)Aug 1999£69,995
Semi-detached (freehold)Feb 1997£51,000
69 Impington Lane, Impington, CB24 9NJDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£173,000
16 Knights Way, Milton, CB24 6DEDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£133,000
Detached (freehold)Jul 1995£85,000
46 Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham, CB24 8XWNew build terraced (freehold)Aug 1999£107,500
3 Burgoynes Farm Close, Impington, CB24 9ZUDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£300,000
17 Taylors Lane, Swavesey, CB24 4QNDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£153,000
36 Moat Way, Swavesey, CB24 4TRSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 1999£65,000
New build semi-detached (freehold)Jun 1996£57,500
25B Haden Way, Willingham, CB24 5HBDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£106,500
27 Walkling Way, Milton, CB24 6BJSemi-detached (freehold)Aug 1999£110,000
29 Pippin Close, Over, CB24 5UATerraced (freehold)Aug 1999£71,950
New build terraced (freehold)Jun 1997£69,950
40 Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham, CB24 8XWNew build semi-detached (freehold)Aug 1999£108,500
73 Station Road, Impington, CB24 9NPDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£250,000
Detached (freehold)May 1997£96,025
50 Pages Close, Histon, CB24 9HFTerraced (freehold)Aug 1999£83,000
Terraced (freehold)Dec 1997£72,000
9 Colesfield, Longstanton, CB24 3BWDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£151,500
29 Histon Road, Cottenham, CB24 8UFDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£265,000
New build detached (freehold)Oct 1998£92,000
8 Melvin Way, Histon, CB24 9HYDetached (freehold)Aug 1999£145,000
20 Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham, CB24 8XWNew build detached (freehold)Jul 1999£155,000
3 Orchard Way, Oakington, CB24 3BQDetached (freehold)Jul 1999£112,000
3 The Spinney, Cottenham, CB24 8RNDetached (freehold)Jul 1999£247,500
90 Moat Way, Swavesey, CB24 4GQNew build detached (freehold)Jul 1999£119,950
11 Park Lane, Histon, CB24 9JJDetached (freehold)Jul 1999£250,000
17 Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham, CB24 8XWNew build detached (freehold)Jul 1999£145,000
29 Harlestones Road, Cottenham, CB24 8TRDetached (freehold)Jul 1999£155,000
42 Cottenham Road, Histon, CB24 9ESSemi-detached (freehold)Jul 1999£107,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jul 1995£62,000
25 Villa Road, Impington, CB24 9NZDetached (freehold)Jul 1999£155,000

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


The average price shown is the geometric mean which multiplies all sales prices together then takes the square root. This should reduce the impact of sales of very expensive houses.
No adjustments are made for seasonal variations, so average prices will not match the Land Registry's own figures
Sales in the final month are always lower than earlier months, due to that month's data not being complete.