This page provides postcode data for the Carmunnock North - 03 Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOA) (2011). Carmunnock North - 03 contains approximately 383 households with a population of about 801 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
G44 3YB | 55.811752 | -4.258645 | 258557 | 659918 | NS585599 | Yes |
G44 3YG | 55.809744 | -4.259342 | 258506 | 659696 | NS585596 | No |
G44 3YL | 55.810711 | -4.260021 | 258467 | 659805 | NS584598 | Yes |
G44 3YQ | 55.81102 | -4.258858 | 258541 | 659837 | NS585598 | Yes |
G44 3YU | 55.812661 | -4.259543 | 258504 | 660021 | NS585600 | Yes |
G44 5AA | 55.815229 | -4.254792 | 258811 | 660297 | NS588602 | Yes |
G44 5AB | 55.813649 | -4.253216 | 258904 | 660118 | NS589601 | Yes |
G44 5AY | 55.813903 | -4.252608 | 258943 | 660145 | NS589601 | Yes |
G44 5AZ | 55.813767 | -4.252648 | 258940 | 660130 | NS589601 | No |
G44 5TH | 55.816004 | -4.256625 | 258699 | 660387 | NS586603 | Yes |
G44 5TJ | 55.814824 | -4.257259 | 258655 | 660257 | NS586602 | Yes |
G44 5TL | 55.813569 | -4.256595 | 258692 | 660116 | NS586601 | Yes |
G44 5TN | 55.813541 | -4.257647 | 258626 | 660115 | NS586601 | No |
G44 5TP | 55.813594 | -4.25864 | 258564 | 660123 | NS585601 | Yes |
G44 5TQ | 55.815722 | -4.257773 | 258626 | 660358 | NS586603 | Yes |
G44 5TR | 55.814222 | -4.258724 | 258561 | 660193 | NS585601 | Yes |
G44 5TS | 55.81363 | -4.257668 | 258625 | 660125 | NS586601 | Yes |
G44 5TT | 55.814038 | -4.255521 | 258761 | 660166 | NS587601 | Yes |
G44 5TU | 55.814059 | -4.256336 | 258710 | 660170 | NS587601 | Yes |
G44 5TW | 55.814177 | -4.257253 | 258653 | 660185 | NS586601 | Yes |
G44 5TX | 55.814946 | -4.256468 | 258705 | 660269 | NS587602 | Yes |
G44 5TY | 55.815011 | -4.255897 | 258741 | 660275 | NS587602 | Yes |