This page provides postcode data for the W00007645 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). W00007645 contains approximately 135 households with a population of about 282 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
NP2 4BQ | 51.758842 | -3.230038 | 315200 | 207400 | SO151074 | No |
NP2 4ND | 51.759725 | -3.231511 | 315100 | 207500 | SO150074 | No |
NP2 4NE | 51.759725 | -3.231511 | 315100 | 207500 | SO150074 | No |
NP22 4BY | 51.758658 | -3.229497 | 315237 | 207379 | SO152073 | Yes |
NP22 4JS | 51.760359 | -3.231934 | 315072 | 207571 | SO150075 | Yes |
NP22 4ND | 51.760409 | -3.230587 | 315165 | 207575 | SO151075 | Yes |
NP22 4NE | 51.759388 | -3.23111 | 315127 | 207462 | SO151074 | Yes |
NP22 4NF | 51.758374 | -3.230039 | 315199 | 207348 | SO151073 | Yes |