This page provides postcode data for the W00003610 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). W00003610 contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 274 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SA17 4UU | 51.737246 | -4.308178 | 240718 | 206804 | SN407068 | Yes |
SA17 4YA | 51.736934 | -4.308558 | 240691 | 206770 | SN406067 | No |
SA17 4YB | 51.736917 | -4.308499 | 240695 | 206768 | SN406067 | Yes |
SA17 5AJ | 51.738186 | -4.307999 | 240734 | 206908 | SN407069 | Yes |
SA17 5AQ | 51.738048 | -4.311381 | 240500 | 206900 | SN405069 | No |
SA17 5BD | 51.740281 | -4.309361 | 240647 | 207144 | SN406071 | Yes |
SA17 5BJ | 51.740511 | -4.308204 | 240728 | 207167 | SN407071 | Yes |
SA17 5DQ | 51.73917 | -4.308218 | 240722 | 207018 | SN407070 | Yes |
SA17 5JT | 51.741788 | -4.308226 | 240731 | 207309 | SN407073 | Yes |