This page provides postcode data for the W00002907 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). W00002907 contains approximately 105 households with a population of about 265 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SY23 3HZ | 52.419317 | -4.001312 | 263996 | 282032 | SN639820 | Yes |
SY23 3LL | 52.41128 | -3.988994 | 264809 | 281115 | SN648811 | Yes |
SY23 3NL | 52.403966 | -3.965011 | 266418 | 280257 | SN664802 | Yes |
SY23 3NP | 52.418492 | -3.948995 | 267551 | 281843 | SN675818 | Yes |
SY23 3NR | 52.403994 | -3.962415 | 266595 | 280255 | SN665802 | Yes |
SY23 3NS | 52.407416 | -3.944174 | 267846 | 280602 | SN678806 | Yes |
SY23 3NW | 52.405776 | -3.960156 | 266754 | 280449 | SN667804 | Yes |
SY23 3PB | 52.412504 | -3.936032 | 268415 | 281153 | SN684811 | Yes |
SY23 3PD | 52.417391 | -3.929114 | 268900 | 281684 | SN688816 | Yes |
SY23 3PF | 52.409265 | -3.922937 | 269296 | 280769 | SN692807 | Yes |