This page provides postcode data for the W00002337 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). W00002337 contains approximately 160 households with a population of about 335 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LD1 5ED | 52.231538 | -3.391688 | 305050 | 260173 | SO050601 | Yes |
LD1 5PL | 52.222943 | -3.388747 | 305233 | 259213 | SO052592 | Yes |
LD1 5PN | 52.222054 | -3.389298 | 305193 | 259115 | SO051591 | Yes |
LD1 5PP | 52.221612 | -3.394774 | 304818 | 259073 | SO048590 | Yes |
LD1 5PR | 52.219664 | -3.388469 | 305245 | 258848 | SO052588 | Yes |
LD1 5PT | 52.217805 | -3.38978 | 305151 | 258643 | SO051586 | Yes |
LD1 5PW | 52.221782 | -3.390365 | 305120 | 259086 | SO051590 | Yes |
LD1 5RA | 52.217403 | -3.388853 | 305213 | 258597 | SO052585 | Yes |
LD1 5RB | 52.21635 | -3.389618 | 305159 | 258481 | SO051584 | Yes |
LD1 5RJ | 52.215133 | -3.3922 | 304980 | 258349 | SO049583 | Yes |
LD1 6NL | 52.213379 | -3.401417 | 304347 | 258166 | SO043581 | Yes |