This page provides postcode data for the W00002335 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). W00002335 contains approximately 197 households with a population of about 394 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LD1 5PA | 52.215101 | -3.338201 | 308669 | 258276 | SO086582 | Yes |
LD1 5PB | 52.218224 | -3.375448 | 306131 | 258671 | SO061586 | Yes |
LD1 5PH | 52.225685 | -3.387098 | 305351 | 259516 | SO053595 | Yes |
LD1 5PS | 52.220573 | -3.38833 | 305256 | 258949 | SO052589 | Yes |
LD1 5PU | 52.210826 | -3.394509 | 304813 | 257873 | SO048578 | Yes |
LD1 5RD | 52.214492 | -3.390833 | 305072 | 258276 | SO050582 | Yes |
LD1 5RE | 52.213022 | -3.385137 | 305458 | 258105 | SO054581 | Yes |
LD1 5RF | 52.202269 | -3.385857 | 305386 | 256910 | SO053569 | Yes |
LD1 5RG | 52.201463 | -3.400955 | 304352 | 256840 | SO043568 | Yes |
LD1 5RH | 52.20469 | -3.362503 | 306987 | 257149 | SO069571 | Yes |
LD1 5RN | 52.204283 | -3.369749 | 306491 | 257113 | SO064571 | Yes |
LD1 5SJ | 52.21534 | -3.391401 | 305035 | 258371 | SO050583 | Yes |
LD2 3TG | 52.179438 | -3.386902 | 305266 | 254372 | SO052543 | Yes |
LD2 3TL | 52.193854 | -3.379699 | 305789 | 255966 | SO057559 | Yes |
LD2 3TW | 52.1969 | -3.409495 | 303759 | 256344 | SO037563 | Yes |