This page provides postcode data for the W00000569 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). W00000569 contains approximately 145 households with a population of about 375 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LL55 2BZ | 53.132619 | -4.260889 | 248840 | 361884 | SH488618 | Yes |
LL55 2LZ | 53.133419 | -4.261365 | 248811 | 361974 | SH488619 | Yes |
LL55 2RX | 53.134288 | -4.258226 | 249024 | 362064 | SH490620 | Yes |
LL55 2SB | 53.133678 | -4.260048 | 248900 | 362000 | SH488620 | No |
LL55 2SD | 53.133678 | -4.260048 | 248900 | 362000 | SH488620 | No |
LL55 2SF | 53.133688 | -4.260437 | 248874 | 362002 | SH488620 | Yes |
LL55 2SX | 53.134209 | -4.259029 | 248970 | 362057 | SH489620 | Yes |
LL55 2SZ | 53.134501 | -4.260256 | 248889 | 362092 | SH488620 | Yes |