This page provides postcode data for the S00114972 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00114972 contains approximately 40 households with a population of about 120 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
G44 3NH | 55.813494 | -4.260693 | 258435 | 660116 | NS584601 | Yes |
G44 3NX | 55.811281 | -4.261794 | 258358 | 659872 | NS583598 | Yes |
G44 3YX | 55.812874 | -4.260194 | 258464 | 660046 | NS584600 | Yes |
G44 3YY | 55.812208 | -4.260235 | 258459 | 659972 | NS584599 | Yes |
G44 3YZ | 55.811567 | -4.260374 | 258448 | 659901 | NS584599 | Yes |
G44 3ZA | 55.811307 | -4.260869 | 258416 | 659873 | NS584598 | No |
G44 3ZB | 55.811307 | -4.260869 | 258416 | 659873 | NS584598 | No |