This page provides postcode data for the S00113021 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00113021 contains approximately 54 households with a population of about 116 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
G14 0PX | 55.890222 | -4.381615 | 251153 | 668907 | NS511689 | Yes |
G14 0PY | 55.889707 | -4.38176 | 251142 | 668850 | NS511688 | Yes |
G14 0PZ | 55.890004 | -4.380818 | 251202 | 668881 | NS512688 | Yes |
G14 0QJ | 55.889693 | -4.380144 | 251243 | 668845 | NS512688 | Yes |