This page provides postcode data for the S00112322 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00112322 contains approximately 72 households with a population of about 121 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
G4 0QY | 55.861086 | -4.235923 | 260158 | 665361 | NS601653 | Yes |
G4 0UT | 55.861201 | -4.234539 | 260245 | 665371 | NS602653 | Yes |
G4 0UX | 55.861358 | -4.235267 | 260200 | 665390 | NS602653 | No |
G4 0UY | 55.861374 | -4.234437 | 260252 | 665390 | NS602653 | Yes |
G4 0UZ | 55.862266 | -4.235783 | 260171 | 665492 | NS601654 | Yes |
G4 0WF | 55.862284 | -4.235752 | 260173 | 665494 | NS601654 | No |
G4 0WR | 55.862284 | -4.235752 | 260173 | 665494 | NS601654 | No |
G4 0XA | 55.861148 | -4.235209 | 260203 | 665366 | NS602653 | Yes |