This page provides postcode data for the S00111717 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00111717 contains approximately 65 households with a population of about 173 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
KY8 5SP | 56.21714 | -3.050556 | 334945 | 703226 | NO349032 | Yes |
KY8 5SU | 56.216612 | -3.049267 | 335024 | 703166 | NO350031 | Yes |
KY8 5TJ | 56.216502 | -3.047394 | 335140 | 703152 | NO351031 | Yes |
KY8 5UD | 56.217734 | -3.047218 | 335153 | 703289 | NO351032 | Yes |