This page provides postcode data for the S00103614 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00103614 contains approximately 35 households with a population of about 80 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
EH4 2PA | 55.965855 | -3.235389 | 322982 | 675450 | NT229754 | Yes |
EH4 2PF | 55.964967 | -3.234672 | 323025 | 675350 | NT230753 | Yes |
EH4 2PG | 55.964683 | -3.236633 | 322902 | 675321 | NT229753 | Yes |
EH4 2PZ | 55.965675 | -3.235415 | 322980 | 675430 | NT229754 | No |