This page provides postcode data for the S00101521 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00101521 contains approximately 61 households with a population of about 141 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
G65 8BX | 55.960429 | -4.157986 | 265380 | 676260 | NS653762 | No |
G65 8DP | 55.961192 | -4.160592 | 265220 | 676350 | NS652763 | No |
G65 8DW | 55.960676 | -4.159281 | 265300 | 676290 | NS653762 | No |
G65 8ER | 55.960151 | -4.158451 | 265350 | 676230 | NS653762 | No |
G66 8DP | 55.961364 | -4.160008 | 265257 | 676368 | NS652763 | Yes |
G66 8DW | 55.961056 | -4.159158 | 265309 | 676332 | NS653763 | Yes |
G66 8ER | 55.960343 | -4.157757 | 265394 | 676250 | NS653762 | Yes |