This page provides postcode data for the S00100856 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00100856 contains approximately 44 households with a population of about 99 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
KA1 4PS | 55.58519 | -4.495433 | 242814 | 635221 | NS428352 | Yes |
KA1 4PT | 55.585876 | -4.496175 | 242770 | 635299 | NS427352 | Yes |
KA1 4SH | 55.585314 | -4.49687 | 242724 | 635238 | NS427352 | Yes |
KA1 4SN | 55.584987 | -4.498305 | 242632 | 635205 | NS426352 | Yes |
KA1 4SQ | 55.585789 | -4.49734 | 242696 | 635292 | NS426352 | Yes |
KA1 4TG | 55.584855 | -4.496868 | 242722 | 635187 | NS427351 | Yes |