This page provides postcode data for the S00093563 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00093563 contains approximately 73 households with a population of about 159 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DD8 5AT | 56.669866 | -3.006831 | 338395 | 753575 | NO383535 | Yes |
DD8 5BR | 56.670632 | -3.006685 | 338405 | 753660 | NO384536 | No |
DD8 5DW | 56.668693 | -3.006568 | 338409 | 753444 | NO384534 | Yes |
DD8 5RN | 56.67042 | -3.004052 | 338566 | 753634 | NO385536 | No |