This page provides postcode data for the S00092011 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). S00092011 contains approximately 40 households with a population of about 77 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
AB42 6ZT | 57.538633 | -2.468508 | 372050 | 849930 | NJ720499 | No |
AB53 4BW | 57.538677 | -2.468659 | 372041 | 849935 | NJ720499 | Yes |
AB53 4ST | 57.5389 | -2.467413 | 372116 | 849959 | NJ721499 | Yes |
AB53 4SW | 57.538603 | -2.466837 | 372150 | 849926 | NJ721499 | Yes |
AB53 7BW | 57.538633 | -2.468508 | 372050 | 849930 | NJ720499 | No |