This page provides postcode data for the N00003536 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00003536 contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 467 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT44 8FA | 54.844862 | -6.486116 | 112112 | 559232 | NW121592 | Yes |
BT44 8NT | 54.839465 | -6.513962 | 110287 | 558747 | NW102587 | Yes |
BT44 8NX | 54.843087 | -6.494401 | 111568 | 559069 | NW115590 | Yes |
BT44 8NY | 54.848494 | -6.495788 | 111518 | 559676 | NW115596 | Yes |
BT44 8NZ | 54.844974 | -6.482157 | 112367 | 559229 | NW123592 | Yes |
BT44 8PA | 54.847089 | -6.50417 | 110970 | 559554 | NW109595 | Yes |
BT45 8NE | 54.831809 | -6.492658 | 111599 | 557808 | NW115578 | Yes |