This page provides postcode data for the N00003374 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00003374 contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 272 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT27 4UJ | 54.514655 | -6.025465 | 139558 | 520720 | NW395207 | Yes |
BT27 4UN | 54.516049 | -6.025506 | 139564 | 520875 | NW395208 | Yes |
BT27 4XX | 54.513619 | -6.030765 | 139209 | 520625 | NW392206 | Yes |
BT27 4YB | 54.513558 | -6.029255 | 139306 | 520612 | NW393206 | Yes |
BT27 4YD | 54.514068 | -6.026883 | 139463 | 520660 | NW394206 | Yes |
BT27 4YE | 54.513701 | -6.027519 | 139419 | 520622 | NW394206 | Yes |