This page provides postcode data for the N00002411 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00002411 contains approximately 106 households with a population of about 338 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT48 8JE | 55.027421 | -7.298353 | 61557 | 583164 | NV615831 | Yes |
BT48 8PH | 55.030741 | -7.297653 | 61630 | 583530 | NV616835 | Yes |
BT48 8PR | 55.032223 | -7.296173 | 61737 | 583687 | NV617836 | Yes |
BT48 8PS | 55.032742 | -7.295742 | 61769 | 583743 | NV617837 | Yes |